ECE 329 - Fields and Waves I

Spring 2025


  • Welcome to ECE 329 Spring 2025!


Instructor Prof. Xu Chen (Coordinator) Prof. Lynford Goddard Prof. Victoria Shao
Lecture Notes
Section F E X
Lecture MWF 2:00-2:50pm
ECEB 2015
MWF 1:00-1:50pm
ECEB 2017
MWF 12:00-12:50pm
ECEB 3081
Office Hours Wed. 3-4pm
Thu. 10-11am
H-MNTL 2254 and Zoom.
Mon. 3-4pm
Netid xuchen1 lgoddard yangshao
Email Email Email Email

Teaching Assistants

TA Amr Ghoname Gayatri Chandran Alex Zhang
Office Hours Tues. 10am-2pm
Mon. 4-6pm
Mon. 11-11:55am, Tues. 2-4pm, Fri. 3-4pm
Netid ghoname2 gpc4 alexmz2
Email Email Email Email

TA office hours begin Friday, Jan. 24th and continue through Wednesday, May 7th. All office hours are canceled during Spring Break (Mar. 17th - Mar. 21st).

Contact Us

For all course-related questions, please email the course staff using You should receive a response within 24 hours. You should only e-mail the instructors and TAs individually if your question is personal to that specific instructor or TA. We reserve the right to ignore emails if they are sent to us individually.


You will need a compass (to draw circles with), a straight-edge, and a protractor to complete homeworks, midterms, and the final for this course. Please acquire them as soon as possible.

Class Participation

Regular attendance and participation in class activities are essential for your success in ECE 329.

Learning How to Learn: ECE 329 builds a student's understanding of electromagnetic fields and waves through a mixture of conceptual, mathematical, and graphical methods. Students need to know the course goals and instructional objectives (see the bottom of and know how to learn: Learning how to learn and Learning to learn PPRRR.


Lecture Notes (Textbook):

Tutorials (Online):

  • TBD

Discussion Forum:

  • Campuswire. Access code: 4523. Due to staff shortages, TAs will only respond to questions on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

Supplement Text (Not Required):


  • MATH 241: Vector calculus basics (Vector Calculus Primer - Prof. Lara Waldrop)

  • PHYS 212: Electric and magnetic field basics

  • ECE 210: Linear circuit and system analysis tools

You Are Special!

Carefully read through this web site and all instructions for homeworks and exams to understand our policies. We understand that occasionally you may have an accident (forgot to sign up for conflict on time, etc). We are willing to bend the rules and give you special treatment once this semester, but we want to ensure we treat all students equally special. Hence, a “You Are Special” credit will be deposited on your gradebook at the beginning of the semester. When you require special treatment outside of the rules, you may redeem this credit.

Mathematica (Not Required)

In Optional Column, you will find links to a Mathematica notebook for each class. These notebooks will not be utilized in this class but they can be a resource for better understanding the materials we cover in class. No prior experience with Mathematica is required. Watching the following videos prior to starting your first Mathematica experience will be useful: Notebooks, Methods to Get Started, Basic Calculations, Basic Graphics, Making Interactive Models

All engineering students have free access to Mathematica via Citrix remote server. In preparation to class download and install the Citrix Receiver software to your mobile device (laptop or tablet) from Citrix Download or Citrix Download for Linux .