ECE 313
Section X (Tue/Thu)
Grading Policies
Homework: 15%
In-Class Projects: 15%
2 Mini Projects + Final Project: 20% (2 * 5% + 10%)
Midterm Exam: 20%
Final: 30%
- Homeworks will be handed out or posted on the
class web site weekly on Thursdays and will be due the following Thursday before the class. No late homework will be accepted.
- There will be two mini-projects and a final project to provide hands-on experience with applications of probability in analysis of computer systems.
Project descriptions and due dates will be posted on the class web site under Student Projects .
- Please check the class web site for all announcements (e.g., corrections to homework problems) on a regular basis.
- Lecture notes will be posted on the class web site weekly in pdf format under Lectures.