ECE 310: Digital Signal Processing I

Exam Policy

  • Exams will be manually proctored via Zoom. This will be a manual proctoring service requiring the use of Internet connectivity as well as a camera.

  • If you have DRES accomodations, please contact the intructor by Friday, 06/14 regarding your accomodations.

  • If you miss an exam, the following procedures apply:

    • To receive an excused absence, you must either arrange your absence in advance with your instructor (i.e., prior to the absence), or complete an Excused Absence Form at the Undergraduate College Office, Room 207 Engineering Hall, indicating that you missed the exam and the reason for the absence.

    • This form must be signed by a physician or medical official for a medical excuse, or by the Office of the Dean of Students (, 217 - 333-0050) for a personal excuse due to extended personal illness, family emergencies, or other uncontrollable circumstances.

    • Present the completed form to your section instructor as soon as possible after you return.

    • An unexcused absence from an exam will be counted as a zero.

    • The score for missed exam will be computed by taking an average of the remaining midterm exams and the final. There will be no make-up exams.

Exam Proctoring

  • Zoom link for exams is here.

  • You will need two devices with internet capability, one for you to look at the quiz/exam pdf on Gradescope and another one that will connect to Zoom so the proctor can monitor you.

  • The proctor will also need to be able to see the screen of the device where you will look at the pdf. Here is CBTF's camera positioning handout, so please look at it and make sure you can position your camera correctly (you might need to prop it with something) so we can see your workspace, your computer and your hands and face.

  • You will have to make sure that the device you will use for Zoom has the camera, microphone and speakers working so you can receive instructions before and during the exam, and so we can hear your surroundings during the exam.

  • Please identify an appropriate place for you to take the quiz/exam, which should be quiet because you will have your microphone on so we can monitor the audio around you. When you join the Zoom session you will be asked to allow the host to unmute you and you must allow it.

  • Failure to comply with these rules will cause you to receive a zero in the quiz/exam.

  • Solution uploads: you will have 5 minutes to upload your solutions to Gradescope once the quiz/exam time is over or once you finish, whichever occurs first. You will be deducted 25% per extra minute after that.

    • Make sure that your scans are legible and that you correctly assign each solution to its question, or you will be deducted at least 5% of the corresponding problem part.

    • Gradescope now has a mobile app to make it easier to upload.

    • Instructions on how to scan the pdf of the solutions in Android are here.

    • Instructions on how to scan the pdf of the solutions in MacOS are here.

    • You MUST remain in the proctoring session until you are finished uploading. We will not accept your exam if you leave the proctoring session before finishing your submission to Gradescope, and you will get a zero in the quiz/exam.

    • There is no need to email yourself the pdf of your solutions, you can upload directly from your phone, so try it out before the quiz/exam to save time.

    • Gradescope will timestamp when the document is uploaded, so you can then take some additional time assigning your answers to the questions, like you do in your HW.

    • Ipads/tablets are not allowed for writing.

Exam I:

Exam II:

Exam III:

Final Exam: