
  1. Personalizing your workspace

  2. GDB quick reference

  3. Coding conventions

  4. Moving files from EWS Linux to personal machines

  5. Unix command line

  6. C programming reference

  7. Compiler explorer (C to LC3) 🔗 and associated tutorial 🔗

Course chatbot

Yes, we are providing a GPT-4 powered AI chatbot trained on ECE 220 course materials! You are welcome to use it to learn, not to cheat! You can start by asking the chatbot how to succeed in this class. 😊

Please read this disclaimer before using the chatbot, this is a very experimental technology and you must understand its limitations and agree to the provisions outlined in the disclaimer.

All rights reserved by ECE220@UIUC. Design by Asher Mai & Ivan Abraham.
Last modified: January 17, 2024. Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language.