ECE 210/211 – Analog Signal Processing

Summer 2024


Lecture Date Topic Reading
1 6/10 introduction, voltage, current, power, KVL, KCL, elements, sources, solutions of circuit problems 0, 1.1-1.3
2 6/11 complex numbers review, resistor combinations 1.4, Appendix A, 2.1
3 6/12 source transformation, node voltage method 2.1-2.2
4 6/13 node voltage method, loop current method 2.2-2.3
5 6/14 linearity and superposition 2.4
6 6/17 Thevenin and Norton, available power and max power transfer 2.4-2.5
7 6/18 ideal op-amp and linear op-amp circuits 3.1
6/19 Juneteenth - NO CLASS
8 6/20 differentiators and integrators, introduction to LTI systems 3.2-3.3
9 6/21 1st order RC and RL circuits with constant inputs 3.4
10 6/24 1st order RC and RL circuits with constant inputs (cont) 3.4
11 6/25 1st order RC and RL circuits with time-varying inputs, transient and steady-state response in LTI systems 3.5
12 6/26 phasors, co-sinusoids, impedance, sinusoidal steady-state 4.1-4.2
13 6/27 sinusoidal steady-state, average and available power 4.3
6/28 Exam 1 - In Class
14 7/1 resonance, frequency response of dissipative LTI systems 4.4, 5.1
15 7/2 properties of frequency response, LTI system response to co-sinusoids and multi-frequency inputs 5.2-5.4
16 7/3 periodic signals, Fourier series 6.1-6.2
7/4 Independence Day - NO CLASS
17 7/5 Fourier series 6.2
18 7/8 system response to periodic inputs 6.3
19 7/9 Fourier transform pairs and properties of FT 7.1
20 7/10 Fourier transform pairs and properties of FT, frequency-domain description of signals 7.1-7.2
21 7/11 frequency-domain description of signals, LTI system response using FT 7.2-7.3
7/12 Exam 2 - In Class
22 7/15 Fourier transform shift and modulation properties, coherent demodulation of AM signals, envelope detection of AM signals 8.1-8.3
23 7/16 envelope detection of AM signals, superheterodyne receivers 8.3-8.4
24 7/17 convolution 9.1
25 7/18 convolution, impulse 9.1-9.2
26 7/19 impulse, FT of distributions and power signals 9.2-9.3
27 7/22 FT of distributions and power signals, sampling and analog signal reconstruction 9.3-9.4
28 7/23 impulse response, BIBO stability, causality and LTIC systems 10.1-10.3
29 7/24 causality and LTIC systems, noncausal systems, Laplace transform 10.3-10.4, 11.1
30 7/25 Laplace transform and properties 11.1
7/26 Exam 3 - In Class
31 7/29 inverse Laplace transform and PFE 11.2
32 7/30 inverse Laplace transform and PFE, s-domain circuit analysis 11.3
33 7/31 s-domain circuit analysis, response of LTIC systems 11.3-11.4
34 8/1 response of LTIC systems, LTIC system combinations 11.4-11.5
8/3 Final Exam