ECE 210/211 – Analog Signal Processing
Summer 2024
Welcome to Summer 2024 offering of ECE 210/211!
We will be using Gradescope for HW, labs and exam submissions, which can be accessed through Gradescope tab in Canvas
IMPORTANT: Exams will be proctored on Zoom using two-device proctoring. This means you are required to have:
A computer for viewing the exam
A mobile device/tablet/second computer with camera for live video feed of your desk/workspace
Sufficient Internet connection to stream your live video feed
Unless otherwise noted, all dates/times for this course refer to local time in Champaign, IL.
IMPORTANT: For ECE 210 students, please order your lab kits at BEFORE 6/14. Make sure you have your labs kits ready before the first lab.
ECE 210 is the first mathematically oriented course in the electrical and computer engineering curricula. The course begins by building on the circuit analysis concepts you learned in ECE 110 and then progresses into the more abstract world of Fourier and Laplace transforms. Much of what we will do will rely on your background in calculus. Our goal will be to apply mathematical tools to the analysis and design of signal processing systems, culminating in a thorough understanding of an AM radio receiver and the ability to design simple filters. ECE 210 deals with the processing of continuous-time, or analog signals. The follow-on course, ECE 310, covers the processing of sampled, or digital signals.
ECE 211 is the first half of ECE 210. (Chapters 1 through 6 in the course textbook).
Instructor: | Prof. Xu Chen |
Office: | Zoom |
E-Mail: | Email |
Office Hours: | Thu. 10:30 - 11:30am
Teaching Assistants
TA: | Steven Kolaczkowski (Head TA) | Lin Le (Lab TA) |
Office: | Zoom | Zoom |
E-Mail: | Email | Email |
Office Hours: | Mon. 3-5pm and Wed. 3-4pm | Mon. 6-7pm and Wed. 6-8pm
Recordings of lectures from 2023 Summer is provided on Illinois Media Space.
Days | Times | Zoom Link |
MTWRF | 9:00-10:20 AM | Zoom
Discussion Forum
You can get online help using Course Discussion Forum link on Canvas.
ECE 110 and PHYS 212, credit or concurrent registration in MATH 285 or MATH 286
Topics: Calculus, concurrent registration in DiffEQ, physics-based treatment of electricity and magnetism, introductory exposure to circuit analysis
E. Kudeki and D.C. Munson, Analog Signals and Systems, Prentice Hall, 2009.
Corrections to the textbook (errata) [Amazon]
Useful Tables
Additional Notes
Grading Policy
ECE 210 | | | ECE 211 | |
Homework | 20% | | Homework | 20% |
Midterm Exams (3) | 45% | | Exam 1 (Midterm) | 35% |
Final Exam | 25% | | Exam 2 (Final) | 45% |
Labs | 10% | | |
Letter Grade | Percentage Score |
A+ | 97-100 |
A | 93-96 |
A- | 90-92 |
B+ | 87-89 |
B | 83-86 |
B- | 80-82 |
C+ | 77-79 |
C | 73-76 |
C- | 70-72 |
D+ | 67-69 |
D | 63-66 |
D- | 60-62 |
F | below 60
Academic Integrity
Students are expected to abide by the University of Illinois Student Code.
Any academic integrity violations will result in a FAIR report. Furthermore, the penalty will be as follows:
A score of 0 (zero) on the assignment or exam where the academic integrity violation occurred.
A second offense results in a grade of F for the course.
Note that the standard of proof for a finding of infraction is “more likely than not”. This means I only need to show with 51% certainty that you committed the offense for the allegations to go on your record.
The following is a partial list of academic integrity violations for this course:
Copying homework or lab solutions from other students (working together and discussing is acceptable)
Copying homework or lab solutions from past solutions
Using websites such as Chegg or Course Hero while completing any course assignments or exams
Using unauthorized materials during exams
Communicating with any person during exams
Discussing the exam with any person within 24 hours of exam completion
Not an academic integrity violation: Distributing any course material without authorization. This includes uploading homeworks/solutions and exam solutions to web sites, or sharing these documents with people not enrolled in the course.