Built an infrared sensor and a detector circuit to use to remote control the bicycle lock. The emitter emits light at 940nm and detector is a one tuned to the 940nm. For the emitter circuit, we used 330 ohms as a resistance and powered it with 6V, using the polarized filter in the cellphone camera to check the IR lighting. For the detector, we powered Vcc with an Arduino at around 5V in series with a 10k resistor and put a yellow LED across the detector. The LED turned on and when we moved the emitter circuit closer, it turned off. When we moved it back, we noticed that the LED turned back on.
Begun designing of lock mechanism which will eventually be automated. Went to Machine Shop. Realized design is insufficient. Have settled on moving key mechanism, will design a better lock to be run by a motor, then next week will go to get it made at the machine shop.
Today we have received our Hyper powered infrared LED to replace the emitter found in our kit, which is incredibly sub par and did not at all live up to our expectations. We hope to get readings from the transmitter in order to later apply them to our control, which will emit the signal, and given the input, will cause the receiver on the bike to either lock or unlock the bike.
We also have created a couple of designs for a lock mechanism which can be controlled remotely.
Also thinking about using those components instead of the infared transmitter and emmitter.
Went to machine shop. We redesigned our lock design. Now only need an actuator that turns 180 degrees.