Megan Heinhold-meganjh3 | Joseph Kim-jdk5 | Carl Wolff-cwolff2 | All in ECE 110

Trumpet MIDI Converter


Statement of Purpose

Our project aims to aid trumpet players in practicing and professional development by allowing players to transform their “buzzing” into a malleable format which can be used for a variety of purposes. The player will buzz into the device and the device will output MIDI data to a computer to be used for playback, editing, transposition, or other uses involved with a MIDI format.

Background Research

We started research for this project with inspiration from projects we had heard of before: “electronic” instruments that can translate physical playing of an instrument, like a piano, into digital music. Since we are all trumpet players, we wanted to create something similar that would allow us to do the same. To do this, we would buzz into a mouthpiece and press valves, (physical input) and have it translated into a digital file format. This is what makes our project unique; most electronic instruments emulate percussion instruments such as drums and pianos. Trumpets introduce different elements in that the same valve combinations result in different notes. We’d like to address this gap in existing products, combining multiple sensors to allow the player to achieve a playing experience similar to that of playing a real trumpet.

We looked first into options for digital files. Options we came up with were MP3, QuickTime, Audacity, and MIDI files. We decided that MIDI files would be our best option since they have the most malleable and readable format compared to the other options.

Once we decided to use MIDI, we needed an “inbetween” device that would allow us to take the inputs from our sensors and convert them to digital signals, which could be used in MIDI. Many of the similar projects use Arduino boards for this purpose. We will also like to use Arduino, since we have some experience with it already and can use these existing projects to our advantage.

Design Details

Block Diagram / Flow Chart

System Overview

The player will play into the instrument, and the pressure/sound sensors will pick up data concerning the pitch and intensity of the input. The sensors will then provide this data to the Arduino, which will then process the information to output the appropriate MIDI data corresponding to the input.


  • Arduino

  • Pressure sensor

  • Sound sensor

  • Data transfer cable from arduino package

  • Jumper wires from sensor to arduino

  • Three-valve system

Possible Challenges

It may prove difficult to convert any data into the MIDI format in any reliable or useful way. This could be due to both the limitations of our skillset as well as the limitations of the Arduino and any sensors we might use.

The optimal placement of the sensor on the device as well as its sensitivity is unclear, which may provide some challenge in calibrating the instrument properly. Moreover, the sensors may be overly sensitive, making it difficult or near impossible to play the instrument consistently.

On the technical side, transferring data between all of the sensors and file formats may lead to a loss in audio fidelity or cause significant lag between the input and the output.

Another technical problem could involve syncing the valve-presses with the buzzing from the mouthpiece, and making sure that the data is cohesive and correct.



Ghassaei, A. (2018). Send and Receive MIDI With Arduino. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Sep. 2018].

"Arduino Trumpet",, 2018. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 20- Sep- 2018].

"Morrison Digital Trumpet",, 2005. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 20- Sep- 2018].


Final Report.pdf (application/pdf)
final code.pdf (application/pdf)


Very clever idea!  One way to become more accurate may be to measure proximity (for example, with IR or ultrasonic) for valve-presses.  If you attach a sensor to the top of the valve and another to the body of the trumpet, you can detect when the valve has been pressed a certain amount and trigger a reading by the sound sensor.  Then you wouldn't have to worry about pressing the pressure sensor too hard or anything (although I don't think that's usually a problem...).  You can also focus on printing out the correct sounds in Arduino in real-time before trying to transpose anything.  Don't get too caught up on the software as this is still a hardware-based lab.

Project approved.

Posted by mnwilso2 at Sep 25, 2018 00:32