Sabrina Moheydeen—sabrina7—ECE 120
Elisabeth Martin—emm7—ECE 110
LAB REPORT: ECE Honors Report - HandsOn Music.pdf
CODE (Code can also be found in the Lab Report): ECE_120_Honors_Lab.ino
- Introduction
- Statement of Purpose
Please provide a brief description of your project. List the goals and objectives of your project and explain why this project is useful for the problem your group want to solve or functions that make your project unique.
HandsOn Music is a system that incorporates gloves to play music according to finger movements. We will use a computer to play the frequencies of various notes based on the user's motions. We want users to be able to carry music with them everywhere. We would also like to incorporate LEDs to allow users to learn piano fingerings if they have limited experience with the instrument, or provide a flashing display of color as a more experienced player moves their fingers. Additionally, we may incorporate a LCD screen to display notes if we have time to do so.- Please provide details on the background research your group has done for your project. Explain what drives you to work on this project and/or why this project is important. Also include discussions on any similar projects your group have looked at in coming up with your project. How is your proposed project different or similar to those your group have looked at.
What drives us to work on this project is our mutual interest in music and musical instruments. We believe it is important for people to have easy access to music without needing to large amounts of money, and feel that this project could help address this need. Our project is a modification of several other music projects that take inputs on a surface that represents a keyboard to play music; however, our project incorporates both the movement/keying combination and a teaching/learning mode that can teach beginners how to read music and translate it to finger motions.
- Please provide details on the background research your group has done for your project. Explain what drives you to work on this project and/or why this project is important. Also include discussions on any similar projects your group have looked at in coming up with your project. How is your proposed project different or similar to those your group have looked at.
- Statement of Purpose
- Design Details
- Block Diagram / Flow Chart
- System Overview
When the user presses down with their finger, a force sensor will capture this movement. The sensors will be connected to an Arduino, which will then play the note that corresponds to that particular finger. Additionally, the Arduino will control LEDs that will light up when the user plays a note or light up to demonstrate the finger movements necessary to play a song.
- Block Diagram / Flow Chart
- Parts
- Arduino
Various colored LEDs
Force sensors
NAND Gates
- Arduino
- Possible Challenges
We foresee that it will be a challenge to sense where our fingers are on a particular octave, since we would like our device to sense several octaves. In order to resolve this issue, we will need to develop a system of sensors or other components to change between octaves. Additionally, we may have trouble translating pieces of music into inputs that we can use for LED signaling. - References
[1]"Piano TouchSense Glove",, 2018. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 22- Sep- 2018].
[2]"Scott Made This | Piano Gloves",, 2018. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 22- Sep- 2018].
[3]S. Carroll and J. Talmage, "ECE 4760 Final Project: Piano Gloves",, 2018. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 22- Sep- 2018]. -
image2018-9-20_19-14-45.png (image/png)
image2018-9-20_19-15-1.png (image/png)
ECE Honors Report - HandsOn Music.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)
ECE Honors Report - HandsOn Music.pdf (application/pdf)
ECE_120_Honors_Lab.ino (application/octet-stream)
image2018-9-20_19-15-1.png (image/png)
ECE Honors Report - HandsOn Music.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)
ECE Honors Report - HandsOn Music.pdf (application/pdf)
ECE_120_Honors_Lab.ino (application/octet-stream)