Huihan Yanhuihany2ECE 110
Krish Naik Aparajkrishn2ECE 120
Atharv Koshtikoshti2ECE 120
Rohan Harpalanirohanhh2ECE 110 and 120
Constantin Legrasclegras2

ECE 110

Xingzhi Maxingzhi5ECE 120

Statement of Purpose

In the automobile industry today, there have been many technological advancements when it comes to further developing and strengthening a car's safety system. In many cars today, there are a lot of cameras to help people increase their visibility when driving, parking, and maneuvering through tight turns. In our case, we decided to focus specifically on crash detections systems in cars and tried to build a very simple version of it. The main purpose of this project is to design and produce a remote-controlled car and implement an anti-crash system. The team can get better understanding of electrical engineering by using various types of electronic components form suppliers such as Arduino, ultrasonic sensors, and motors. While the RC racing cars have a high power rating, it is very easy to cause serious damage if they crash into the wall with high speed. To prevent this from happening, an anti-crashing system based on the usage of ultrasonic sensors will be built on the car to cut off the power supply when there is obstacle in front of the car, which can be used to prevent the crash or reduce the damage caused by crash. Our goals is to successfully build and code an anti-crash system on a car using an ultrasonic sensor and test it in front of obstacles. We want to be able to make our car stop when it detects an object or obstacle within a certain distance. 

Background Research

This project will help the team learn about fundamental design in a RC car while give the user more control over the car. Furthermore, remote control cars can reach high speeds and therefore be quite dangerous, so it was important to us to implement a safety system to prevent accidents. Also, a crash detection system, which is based on an ultrasonic sensor, will be implemented on the car. The sensor is expected to detect walls, people, and any potential obstacles that may impact the car during its motion. If the car approaches an obstacle at a certain distance, it will automatically cut the power supply to  make sure the car and its surroundings are safe. 

Block Diagram / Flow Chart

System Overview

Remote Controls3D printed remote control to allow user input.
PotentiometersPotentiometers in the remote's joysticks allow for precise controlling of speed and steering.
Integrated CircuitAllows for the potentiometer input to be converted into useable signals for the car.
2.4 GHz ModemSends controls from the remote to the car over 2.4 GHz radio frequency.
Raspberry Pi/ArduinoReceives signals from the remote and translates them to the car.
Steering ControlAdjusts steering according to input from the remote's
Speed ControlAdjusts speed according to input from the remote's potentiometer.
Ultrasonic SensorDetects any obstacles using emitted ultrasonic waves and adjusts course accordingly.
CarFinalized RC car to be controlled with motors.


Provide a list of parts that you may need for your project. You should include details such as the quantity, model number, purpose, vendor, and price (excluding taxes and shipping) for each part. This list may change as you work on your project. 

Possible Challenges

Turning with the potentiometer might be a problem since the team is not sure on how to implement this yet. Setting up a wireless connection to connect the car with a remote and modem might be also difficult. Designing the body and the remote may be troublesome as well due to the lack of design experience in CAD software, especially with the expectation to 3D print the designs later.

In addition, due to the fact that some group members are currently international and in different time zones, working on this hardware project remotely may present some difficulties. 

Report and Presentation

Link to the presentation video:


[1] "RC Car Schematics",, 2021. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 19- Feb- 2021].  

[2] Linus Tech Tips, First Person View VR RC Car Racing. 2021. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 4- Apr- 2021].

[3] M. Aqib, "High Speed Arduino RC car", Arduino Project Hub, 2021. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 19- Feb- 2021].

[4] Dejan, “Arduino DC motor control tutorial – L298N | PWM | H-Bridge”. How to Mechatronics. n.d. [online]. [Accessed May 4, 2021].

[5] Dejan, “DIY Arduino RC receiver for RC models and Arduino projects”.  How to Mechatronics. n.d. [online].,connect%20from%206%20to%2012V [Accessed May 4, 2021].

[6] Dejan, “DIY Arduino RC transmitter”. How to Mechatronics. n.d. [online]. [Accessed May 4, 2021].

[7] Just Do Electronics, “NRF Based Servo Motor Control”. Just Do Electronics. 2020. [online]. [Accessed May 4, 2021].


image2021-2-19_14-3-52.png (image/png)
Honors Lab Final Report_Crash Detection RC Car.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)
Honors Lab Final Report_Crash Detection RC Car.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)
flowchart m.png (image/png)
flowchart m.png (image/png)
Honors Lab Final Report_Crash Detection RC Car.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)
Honors Lab Final Report_Crash Detection RC Car.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)


On format:

  • Add a link for your LTT video (Reference 2) [also, if I remember correctly, that was from last year, not 2021]
  • Talk a little more about what you want your finished project to do in the statement of purpose. 

General notes about your project

  • You're a bigger group, but I would consider limiting the scope of the project a little bit (maybe The head TAs can weigh in on this too)
  • You could decide to focus on crash detection and hotwire stuff into a pre-built R/C car-like Linus did in his Video,
  • Or if you want something cool to keep, you could work on the car exclusively- you'd also learn some CAD on the way too.

I did an RC car project when HL was in-person with a group of 4 people, and we thought we could make our car from scratch, but that ended up being too hard. We achieved the functionality we wanted by modifying a store-bought RC car, and so hence the suggestion.  

Posted by siva3 at Feb 22, 2021 22:07

I'll echo a bit what Swamy said. Develop the goals for the finished project a bit more and try to make your project as modular as possible. An easy way of doing this would be deciding whether or not you want to build a car from scratch or to just modify a store-bought one. This will allow you guys to reach certain thresholds of functionality even if the full project isn't complete.

I would say the scope of the project is fine but it will depend on the amount of previous knowledge you all have and whether or not you can divide up the work well. 

I'll approve the project but make sure you guys consider whether or not you will build the car from scratch and update the things we talked about. Start looking for parts specifics and prices ASAP!

Posted by dbycul2 at Feb 23, 2021 21:55