Jizheng Hejizheng4ECE 110
Akhil Bonelaabonela2ECE 110

Statement of Purpose

We are attempting to make a numpad addon based on capacitive touch sensors for computers without one. Numpads are frequently used in scenarios from 3D Modelling, CAD, and other complex software to daily numerical input. Many computers, restricted by their size and design methods, does not have such a convenient tool. Making the numpad addon with capacitive touch sensors particularly is for making a cool "keyless" keyboard.

Background Research

The purpose/importance of usage of this project is stated in the above section. For the similar projects, we found that no one actually made such a project. There are computers with capacitive touchscreen being its full keyboard; there are touchpads based on capacitive touch sensors but used as a numpad; there are optical keyboards that feels the same but uses a different sensors. We picked an unique combination of tech stack, size, and characteristic in the keyless keyboard projects. We hope our project to be both useful and coooooool.

Block Diagram / Flow Chart


System Overview

The general idea of the system is to take an input sensed by the touch sensor and display it on a computer. To sense a touch input, sensors have to constantly measure the voltage of the capacitive touch screen. If there is a significant increase in the voltage, then the Raspberry Pi will measure the ratio of currents on the screen and identify the location of the input. Then the location must be compared to the acceptable ranges of the various keys on the glass number pad. When the key is determined, the information should be sent to the computer to be displayed.


Raspberry Pi. (In Lab)

ITO (Indium Tin Oxide) Coated PET Plastic - 100mm x 200mm:


Adafruit 12-Key Capacitive Touch Sensor Breakout - MPR121 - STEMMA QT:

Self-designed PCB Printing

Possible Challenges

  • Learning about Keyboard Interfaces / encoding protocols;
  • Figure out which "key" is being pressed without having an individual pin for each key;
  • Designing PCBs and manually solder everything.


Instructables. 2021. Optical Keyboard. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 19 September 2021]. 2021. Use an Arduino board to emulate a keyboard. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 19 September 2021]. 2021. Turn Raspberry Pi Zero in USB Keyboard | Random Nerd Tutorials. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 19 September 2021]. 2021. Raspberry Pi Graphics LCD Display Tutorial | Rototron. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 19 September 2021].

Final Project Report and Video Demo

Final Project Report: 

Video Demo: Capacitive Touch Number Pad



Hey! Excellent project idea! I would say that my main concern is just with your parts list right now. Aliexpress may take a long time to ship and the capacitive touch sensors are likely pretty vital to your project. Please see if you can find them from a different vendor. Likewise, please list out the other parts (including links and part numbers) and estimate the cost of your PCB to the best of your ability.

The sources you have will likely be a good starting point for completing the project but you will want to find example projects with the specific capacitive touch sensors you will be using. This will help you get an understanding of the data they output.

Once you guys update the parts list I will approve the project!

Posted by dbycul2 at Sep 23, 2021 16:19

Bump! Message me on discord once you have the parts figured out.

Posted by dbycul2 at Oct 01, 2021 17:30

Bycul, DawidWe finished editing! Please check out our parts list!

Posted by jizheng4 at Oct 05, 2021 18:55

Looks good! You will be group #54

Posted by dbycul2 at Oct 05, 2021 19:03