Old and more recent topics in graph algorithms. Focus will be on connections to linear algebraic methods broadly interpreted including polyhedral techniques, matrix multiplication based algorithms, semi-definite programming, and spectral methods.
Instructor: Chandra Chekuri (3228 Siebel Center, chekuri at illinois.edu).
Lecture schedule: Wed/Fri 9.30-10.45am, Siebel
Teaching assistants: None!
Office hours: Siebel 3rd floor theory lounge. Fri 1:00-2:00pm
Grading policy: Homework + Scribing + Project (details TBD)
Prerequisites: CS 473 or comparable understanding and facility with algorithms, probability, and linear algebra.
Links: Piazza; Gradescope (enroll using code M35XW7)
Projects: Instructions and paper list (to be posted later)