There are 10 written assignments in total. All assignments are due at 11:59AM Central Time (just before noon). See syllabus for more detailed schedule regarding due dates.
Assignment 1: Linear Regression — Corresponding TA: Jyoti Aneja
[pdf] [] [] [Solution] [Programming Solution]
Assignment 2: Logistic Regression — Corresponding TA: Safa Messaoud
[pdf] [] [] [] [Solution] [Programming Solution]
Assignment 3: Support Vector Machine — Corresponding TA: Yuan-Ting Hu
Assignment 4: Multiclass Classification — Corresponding TA: Jyoti Aneja
Assignment 5: Deep Nets — Corresponding TA: Safa Messaoud
Assignment 6: Structured Prediction — Corresponding TA: Yuan-Ting Hu
Assignment 7: k-Means — Corresponding TA: Jyoti Aneja
Assignment 8: VAEs — Corresponding TA: Safa Messaoud
Assignment 9: GANs — Corresponding TA: Yuan-Ting Hu
Assignment 10: Reinforce — Corresponding TA: Jyoti Aneja
MNIST download: [train-images-idx3-ubyte] [train-labels-idx1-ubyte] [t10k-images-idx3-ubyte] [t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte]
Written assignments are submitted through GradeScope (self-enrollment code M5J3WN; please use your Illinois email when registering on GradeScope).
Download the assignment,
Print the assignment,
Complete the answers (make sure your handwriting is readable),
Add your name on every page,
Scan the printed document containing your answers (make sure it’s a pdf), and
Upload on gradescope.
Some questions are related to the coding assignment. Note that you don’t upload your python code (we don’t need it).
Feel free to discuss the assignments at the concept-level with other students, no specifics.
All solutions should be written individually.
Do not show other students your homework. (This includes Piazza. Do not post partial code or solutions.)
Be sure to acknowledge references you used.
Copying from other students / online sources or letting other students copy your work will result in a 0 for the assignment. A second attempt of cheating will result in grade F for the entire course.
Check the Student Code on academic integrity here.
Late submission will not be accepted after the due date. The lowest scoring homework will be dropped.