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CS 440/ECE 448
Fall 2023
Margaret Fleck

Quizzes and final exam

There will be seven closed book exams/quizzes: six quizzes and a short final exam. Each of these (including the final) will be 20 minutes long. See the lecture schedule for the dates.

Quizzes will be taken in our classroom starting at 9:25. The quiz itself will be on moodle So you will need to bring a mobile device (e.g. laptop) to class to take the quiz.

Quiz makeups will be at the next quiz date, starting at 9am. These are only for people who missed the first offering of the quiz. Makeups for Quiz 6 will be at the final exam.

Quizzes must be taken entirely in the classroom. Specific procedures for sign-in, sign-out, and ID checking will be announced before the first quiz.

Skills lists

The skills lists below should be regarded as tentative until a week before each quiz. The quizzes for 4-hour students will also include questions on reading material posted below. This will typically be a conference or journal paper that is relatively short and accessible, or perhaps a set of smaller items (e.g. news stories) with similar total content.

Quiz Skills list 4-hour readings
Quiz 1 Quiz 1 skills Porter 1980
Quiz 2 Quiz 2 skills Booth 2017
Quiz 3 Quiz 3 skills Magerman 1995
Quiz 4 Quiz 4 skills Rosch and Mervis 1975
Quiz 5 Quiz 5 skills Pathak et al 2016
Quiz 6 Quiz 6 skills Tan et al 2021
Quiz 7
(= final exam)
Quiz 7 skills Mankowitz et al 2023

Some old exams

Here are some old exams from Fall 2019. This version of the course had two midterms and a final. Also, all the questions were open answer whereas our online exams are partly multiple choice. But this should give you a sense of what the questions might look like.

Quiz logistics for Fall 2023

This is our first time doing quizzes this way, so be on the alert for minor changes from week to week.

The quiz will open at 9:25am. Plan to be in your seat by then. Do not use the white tables at the very back and very front of the room. We may need these for the proctors.

Do not study in the classroom. This makes it very hard for us to proctor effectively, especially when we may have students taking makeups and taking quizzes with extended time. Come into the room only a few minutes before the quiz opens.

Select the appropriate quiz on moodle. There will be different versions for the 3-hour and 4-hour students.

If you arrive after 9:25, sign in at the podium at the front of the room.

The quiz will last 20 minutes. You must stay in the room until the quiz finishes at 9:45. If you have an emergency, sign out at the podium in front.

About five minutes into the quiz, the proctors will give a bright-colored sign-in sheet to the right end of each row. You will need to write your name and netID, then pass it to the next person.

This may be slightly confusing the first time but should be very fast after everyone is used to the system.

Makeup quizzes will open at 9am. Normally you should be taking the makeup back-to-back with the regular quiz on that day. So you should stay in the room until the main quiz closes at 9:45. If you need to take only one quiz, consult with the instructor at the podium. Please do not sit right near the podium, so we can easily tell who is doing a makeup and who is taking the regular quiz with extended time.

If you have DRES accommodations for extended time and are taking it in the classroom (not at DRES Testing), you should arrive early and sit near the podium. This should mean you will be disrupted less when the rest of the class comes into the room and makes it easier if we need to fix any issues with the quiz environment.

General exam/quiz instructions

The exams and quizzes are closed book. You may not use notes, communicate with other people, consult the web, etc.

Do not have other windows or tabs open while taking the quiz. Your screen should show only the moodle quiz window. Your screen should be clearly visible to the proctors.

Phones should be put away, out of sight.

You may bring scratch paper but it must be blank at the start of the exam.

The quiz must be taken in our classroom.

You may not study in the classroom on quiz days.

Please tell the course staff about any apparent bugs or technical problems encountered during the exam/quiz.

Unless we explicitly tell you otherwise, exam/quiz answers should be typed directly into the answer boxes. You will not be able to upload pictures of handwritten work. You may not cut and paste from other windows.

Points may be deducted for solutions which are correct but excessively complicated, hard to understand, poorly explained, incomplete, or excessively hard to read.

Assume that answers require brief justification/work, unless there is clear indication to the contrary (e.g. it's a multiple-choice question, it's asking you to repeat back a standard formula).