Timing: M/W 3:30 - 4:45pm
Location: Zoom link | passcode: 438
Instructor office hour (OH): After class
TA: Ishani Janveja janveja2@illinois.edu, OH: Wed, 8-9pm
TA: Kaiwen Cao kaiwenc2@illinois.edu, OH: Tue 3-4pm
TA: Yu-lin Wei yulinlw2@illinois.edu, OH: Fri 1-2pm
Grading: 0.15hw + 0.25mp + 0.25midterm + 0.35final
Grading: 4-credit students complete mini-project
Homework and Assignments:
MP2 (TCP) Due: Oct 31, 11:59pm
Logistical information:
- Possible to attend this course remotely.
- Video lectures will be posted on webpage.
- You can attend live on zoom, or watch offline.
ECE/CS 438: Communication Networks: Fall 2021
L1: Aug 23
Course logistics, course introduction, overview
- Expectations, syllabus, course load, topics, etc.
- History and fathers of the Internet | Packet switching vision | Network visualization
L2: Aug 25
History, big picture, layering
- Tier 1, 2, 3 ISPs | Transcontinental cable layout | Gateway between cellular and Internet
- Layering (end to end horizontal communication) and inspiration from airline system
- Arguments in favor and against "Net Neutrality":
MP0 released (no deadline) | HW1 on "Network Foundations" released on Gradescope (deadline Sep 12)
L3: Aug 30
Internet terminology, nuts and bolts
- Devices, end-hosts, routers, switches, links, applications, protocols, connection less/oriented services
- Network edge and network core, Client server, P2P, hybrid, edge-fog-cloud
- Network access and media: Notion of FFT and bandwidth, dial-up, ADSL, cable ...
- Watch video lectures #5 and (first half of) #6 on Fourier Transform and bandwidth:
L4: Sep 1
Foundations: SNR, Bit rate, Bit error, Shannon's equation, Congestion
- Circuit switching [FDM, TDM], Packet switching [Datagram, Virtual vircuit], statistical multiplexing
L5: Sep 8
Internet protocol stack, layering, encapsulation
- Foundations: Throughput, goodput, latency (queueing, processing, transmit time, propagation delay)
- Traffic arrival and service rate, properties of queueing delay, end-to-end delay, Traceeroute
Midterm on Wed, Oct 27, tentatively in person (those not in campus can request online test) ... details TBA
L6: Sep 13
Application Layer: Introduction and basics
- Client server, pure P2P, and hybrid architectures; Overlay networks, social networks.
- Leader election, flooding, broadcast storm, (adaptive) gossip, index servers, hash tables
- Process, sockets, service requirements (data loss, bandwidth, latency)
MP1 on socket programming released. Due Sep 28, 11:59pm. Get started on it soon ...
L7: Sep 15
Application Layer 2
- Web and HTTP: protocol, request response messages, persistent and non persistent, cookies
- Cookies, Web caching and dbenefits, conditional GET, Email (SMTP, MAP), POP, IMAP
L8: Sep 20
Application Layer 3
- DNS, root, TLD, authoritative servers, recursive and iterative, P2P networks [napster, Gnutella, Kaaza]
Socket programming tutorial by TA (Ishani Janveja) ... [starts from 1:22:00 of lecture video recording]
L9: Sep 22
Transport Layer 1: Introduction and definitions
- End to end transport, definition of reliability, bottleneck bandwidth, connection orientation service
- Packet-pair based bottleneck estimation
L10: Sep 27
Transport Layer 2: Principles of reliable protocol design
- Reliable service over an unreliable channel, Error detection and correction
- impossibility of distributed concensus (2 generals), state machines
- Building basic reliablity protocol with channel models [bit error, packet loss, packet delay]
HW2 on application layer released and due on Oct 5th. Get started.
L11: Sep 29
Transport Layer 3: From correctness to Performance
- Channel error model: packet delay --> larger sequence number space
- Pipelined protocols: Go back N
L12: Oct 4
Transport Layer 4: Pipelined protocols
- Continue on Go Back N (GBN)
- Selective ACK (SACK) or Selective Repeat, True/False conditions on Tx and Rx window
L13: Oct 6
TCP 1: From principles to the real world
- Bottleneck and available bandwidth, adapting congestion window (CW)
- Connection set up, slow start (double CW every RTT), congestion avoidance (CW + 1 every RTT)
L14: Oct 11
TCP 2: The core TCP protocol
- Packet drops and timeout, benefit of cumulative ACK, DupACKs and implications on congestion
- Fast Recovery (3 DupACKs): need for CW to increase despite in congestion avoidance
MP2 on TCP: get started on this MP ASAP. This is a challenging MP.
L15: Oct 13
TCP 3: The protocol state diagram
- Fast recovery continued, TCP state diagram (full protocol)
- Saw tooth behavior, single timer, RTO estimation
L16: Oct 18
TCP 4: Wrapping up TCP
- RTO estimation, packets to bytes, TCP Flow control
- TCP fairness, TCP RED (random early drop) and cross layer ideas, TCP over wireless (split TCP and SNOOP)
HW3 on TCP released: Due on Oct 26 ... great preparation material for the mid-term.
Module 4: Network Layer
L17: Oct 20
Network Layer 1: Introduction
- Introduction, routing and forwarding, connection set up, network service models
- Virtual circuit and datagram networks, forwarding table
L18: Oct 25
Network Layer 2: Routers and IP
- Longest prefix matching algorithm, Router architecture, Switching fabric, input/output interfaces
- IP network protocol, datagram format, fragmentation, Subnet masks, Classless address
Click here for correction on longest prefix match (at around 20 minute into the lecture).
L19: Nov 1
Network Layer 3: Modules in IP
- Classless addressing (CIDR), route aggregation, NAT, ICMP
- Traceroute as ICMP, Hourglass model, IPv6 and tunneling, Routing algorithms (graphs)
L20:Nov 3
Network Layer 4: Routing algorithms
- Link state routing: Dijkstra's algorithm, convergence, oscillation, complexity
- Distance vector routing: Bellman-Ford's algorithm, convergence, poisson reverse
L21: Nov 8
Network Layer 5: Internet routing protocols
- Hierarchical routing protocols, autonomous system (AS)
- Intra and inter-AS routing protocols, RIP, OSPF, hierarchical OSPF
MP3 on "routing algorithms" released. First hand experience on building network simulators.
L22a: Nov 10
Network Layer 6: Inter-AS routing protocol
- Border gateway protocol (BGP)
- Hot potato routing and socio-political aspects of routing
L22b: Nov 10
Link Layer 1: Introduction
- Introduction to link layer; local reliability as optimization (not correctness)
L23: Nov 15
Link Layer 2: Foundation
- End to end reliability versus link-layer reliability, error detection and correction codes (parity)
- Noise (additive Gaussian), SNR and SINR, packet collision
- Medium access control (MAC), point-to-point and shared link, centralized versus distributed protocol
MP4 on link layer simulation released. Due Dec 6. Get started.
L24: Nov 17
Link Layer 3: Medium Access Control
- Channel partitioning (TDMA, FDMA), Random Access (ALOHA and unslotted ALOHA)
- Carrier sense multiple access (CSMA), collision detection, exponential backoff, contention window
- Taking turns (polling, token passing)
HW4 on networking and link layer released. Due Dec 12, 11:59pm. Get started.
Enjoy Thanksgiving Break. Make some progress on MP4.
L25: Nov 29
Link Layer 4: Addressing and Interconnects
- Review of CSMA/CD, flowchart, important properties of protocol, Ethernet case study
- MAC adddresses, Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
- Hubs and Switches, collision domains, plug and play, cut-through switching, comparison with routers
L26: Dec 1
Link Layer 5: Wireless
- Wireless channels: dispersive, collision detection breaks, SINR is key
- Hidden and exposed terminal problem, 2 conditions to satisfy for collision avoidance (CSMA/CA)
- WiFi protocol (RTS/CTS/Data/ACK), problems with channel reservation, error contrast in wired and wireless
L27: Dec 6
Security 1: Basics
- Security foundations: Confidentiality, authentication, integrity, availability
- Ciphers, cryptography (symmetric and public-key), RSA algorithm, properties of public and private keys
- Authentication, nonce, replay attack, man in the middle attack, spoofing
- Message integrity, digital signature, hashing, SHA-1 and MD5
L28: Dec 8
Security 2 and Wrap Up
- Key distribution center (KDC), Certification authority (CA)
- Secure email as an application offers confidentiality, integrity, authentication, efficiency
- Course wrap up: final exam logistics, quick Internet bird's eye view, follow-up courses, feedback.
More Publications
Angle of Arrival (AoA) factorization under multipath [ pdf ]
Spatial Acoustics for Earables [
pdf ]
Earable Computing: A New Area to Think About [ pdf ]
Voice Localization using Nearby Wall Reflections [ pdf ]
Ear-AR: Indoor Acoustic Augmented Reality on Earphones [ pdf ]
EarSense: Earphones as a Teeth Activity Sensor [ pdf ]
Many-to-Many Beam Alignment in mm Wave Networks [ pdf ]
MUTE: Bringing IoT to Noise Cancellation [ pdf ]
Ghostbuster: Detecting Presence of Eavesdroppers [ pdf ]
Closing the Gaps in Inertial Motion Tracking [ pdf ]
LiquID: A Wireless Liquid IDentifier [ pdf ]
Inaudible Voice Commands: The Long-Range Attack [ pdf ]
If WiFi APs Could Move: A Measurement Study [ pdf ]
Prior 2017:
BackDoor: Making Microphones Hear Inaudible Sounds [ pdf ]
Bringing IoT to Sports Analytics [ pdf ]
Extending Cell Tower Coverage through Drones [ pdf ]
Ripple II: Faster Communications via Physical Vibrations [ pdf ]
Tracking Drone Orientation with Multiple GPS Receivers [ pdf ]
I am a Smartwatch and I can Track my User’s Arm [ pdf ]
Listening through a Vibration Motor [ pdf ]
Low Bandwidth Offload for Mobile AR [ pdf ]
The Case for Robotic Wireless Networks [ pdf ]
Compressing Backoff in CSMA Networks [ pdf ]
AutoLabel: Labeling Places from Pictures and Websites [ pdf ]
Present PhD Students
Present MS Students
Past PhD Students
- Sheng Shen
2021, Researcher, Facebook Reality Labs
- Ashutosh Dhekne
2019, Asst. Professor, CS, Georgia Tech.
- Nirupam Roy
2018, Asst. Professor, CS, Maryland, College Park
- Mahanth Gowda
2017, Asst. Professor, EECS, Penn State University
- He Wang
2016, Asst. Professor, CS, Purdue University
- Puneet Jain
2015, Google
- Justin Manweiler
2012, Google
- Souvik Sen
2012, Google
- Ionut Constandache
2011, LinkedIn
Past MS Students
- Amod Agrawal
2019, Amazon Lab 126
- Daguan Chen
2019, Mercedez Benz, R&D
- Umberto Ravaioli
2018, Toyon Research
- Songchun Fan
2013, Google (PhD 2016, Duke University)
- Rahul Ghosh
2009, American Express AI Labs
- Jie Xiong
2009, Asst. Professor, UMAss Amherst (PhD, UCL)
More Talks and Seminars
- Invited speaker, NUS Computer Science Week, Singapore, 2020
- Keynote at ACM EarComp Workshop (with UbiComp), London, 2019
- Keynote at MobiUK Symposium, Oxford University, 2019
- Invited Plenary Speaker, NSF Career Workshop, 2017
- Invited talk at UC Berkeley Robotics Communication Workshop, 2014
- Keynote at ACM Pervasive Urban Crowd Sensing Workshop, 2013
- Keynote at ACM MobiArch Workshop (with MobiCom), 2012
- Invited talk at Google, 2012
- Keynote at ACM Mobile Cloud Computing Workshop (with MobiSys), 2011
Romit Roy Choudhury is a Jerry Sanders Scholar and Professor of ECE and CS at the University of Illinois
at Urbana Champaign (UIUC).
His research interests are in wireless networking, embedded sensing, and applied signal processing.
Along with his students, he received a few research awards, including the ACM Sigmobile Rockstar Award, the
UIUC Distinguished Alumni Award, the 2017 MobiSys Best Paper Award, etc.
He was elevated to IEEE Fellow in 2018.
Visit Romit's Systems Networking Research Group (SyNRG) at http://synrg.csl.illinois.edu