
Distributed Systems




CS 425 : ECE 428



Contact Course Staff

Fall 2024




Note: While some TAs are marked as online TAs, both on-campus and online (Coursera) students should feel free to consult any TA for anything in the course. Please note that assignment of TAs to online or on-campus below is tentative, and not confirmed until first day of lecture.
Position Name Office Location E-mail Office Hours
Professor Indranil Gupta (Indy) 3112 SC indy See table below
Professor Aishwarya Ganesan 3120 SC aganesn2 See table below
Lead TA
Anna Karanika See table below
See table below
Aryan Bhardwaj See table below aryanb3 See table below
Pete Stenger See table below peteras4 See table below
Muhammad Taimoor Tariq See table below mttariq2 See table below
Han-Ting Liang See table below htliang2 See table below
Kai-Siang Wang See table below kw37 See table below
Lead MCS Online (Coursera) TA, and Deputy Lead TA
Maleeha Masood See table below maleeha2 See table below
MCS Online TA Xinying Zheng See table below xz112 See table below
MCS Online TA
Zhikun Wang See table below zhikunw2 See table below
MCS Online TA
Zikun Liu See table below zikunliu See table below


Contacting Staff

In decreasing order of priority (try steps 1 and 2 first)

  1. Did you check the Syllabus pdf? It has answers to most logistical questions! See the ``Syllabus'' pdf on the main page.
  2. Fastest option (and most preferable): Discussion Forum: Follow the Piazza Link.
  3. Are you sure your question cannot be, or was not, answered on Piazza? Please wait 24-48 hours to receive a response on Piazza! Go back to Step 1 if needed. Only in desperation (or if you have a private question), proceed to Step 3.
  4. Course mailing list: cs-425-staff@mx.uillinois.edu (Use to submit questions and also submit your MPs)
    • For faster response to your e-mail communications, please put [CS425] in the subject line.
    • Please do not email individual staff unless absolutely necessary.
  5. Visit the instructor or TA during office hours (see below).

Office Hours by Day of Week

[Office hours start after first lecture and onwards only (Aug 27 3.15 pm US Central, and onwards)]
All Office Hours can be used by all students (On-campus, MCS Coursera), unless otherwise noted (Note that some weekend and weeknight office hours are only for Coursera students).
Zoom links: See Piazza.
We will be using Queue inside the Zoom sessions. Please use that queue link!
All times are US Central time.

Day of Week



Monday Aryan Bhardwaj 9AM-10AM Zoom: see Piazza
Monday (MCS Coursera only) Indy Gupta (Professor)
5PM-6PM (Coursera Students only) Zoom: see Piazza
Monday Kai-Siang Wang 8PM-9PM Zoom: see Piazza
Tuesday Aryan Bhardwaj 9AM-10AM Zoom: see Piazza
Tuesday Indy Gupta (Professor) - OHs only on day that he lectures!
Right after lecture to 4pm (talk to instructor right after lecture in class, or wait for them to reach office) 3112 SC
Tuesday Aishwarya Ganesan (Professor) - OHs only on day that she lectures!
Right after lecture to 4pm (talk to instructor right after lecture in class, or wait for them to reach office) 3120 SC
Tuesday Han-Ting Liang 6PM-7PM Zoom: see Piazza
Wednesday Anna Karanika 11AM-12PM Zoom: see Piazza
Wednesday Pete Stenger 1PM-3PM Zoom: see Piazza
Wednesday Kai-Siang Wang 8PM-9PM Zoom: see Piazza
Thursday Indy Gupta (Professor) - all Thursdays, regardless of whether he lectures on that day
Right after lecture to 4pm (talk to instructor right after lecture in class, or wait for them to reach office) 3112 SC
Thursday Aishwarya Ganesan (Professor) - OHs only on day that she lectures!
Right after lecture to 4pm (talk to instructor right after lecture in class, or wait for them to reach office) 3120 SC
Thursday Taimoor Tariq 5PM-6PM Zoom: see Piazza
Thursday Maleeha Masood 8.30PM-9.30PM Zoom: see Piazza
Friday Taimoor Tariq 4PM-5PM Zoom: see Piazza
Friday (MCS Coursera only) Zikun Liu 6PM-7PM Zoom: see Piazza
Saturday (On-campus and MCS Coursera) Zhikun Wang 10AM-11AM Zoom: see Piazza
Saturday (MCS Coursera only) Zhikun Wang 1PM-2PM Zoom: see Piazza
Saturday (On-campus and MCS Coursera) Zikun Liu 3PM-4PM Zoom: see Piazza
Sunday (On-campus only) Han-Ting Liang 9AM-10AM Zoom: see Piazza
Sunday (MCS Coursera only) Xinying Zheng 7PM-8PM Zoom: see Piazza
Sunday (MCS Coursera only) Xinying Zheng 8PM-9PM Zoom: see Piazza