Problems (MPs)
- This
section on MPs is only for 4 credit students (on-campus or online) who are NOT MCS-DS. (3
credit students or MCS-DS are welcome to do
the MPs,
but we will not be able to grade or evaluate them or treat them as
extra credit.)
- All
Machine Problems (MPs) will be posted here. There will be three to four
MPs. Unless otherwise stated, you should work on your MP in groups of 2.
You can discuss concepts and clarifications of the MPs with other
students and the course staff, but all solutions, code, and ideas must
remain within the group.
- If you are a 4 credit on-campus/online student: By Thursday 8/25
@ 5 pm, you must let us know what group you are in. To do so, please do
BOTH of the following (ONCE each):
- Fill out the form at this link, and
- Email
with subject line "CS 425 MP Group" stating the members in your group.
- Any corrections will appear in red font in MP document. Please refresh!
- [MP1 Specification Document]:
Released First
Week of Class. Due @ 9/11 11.59 PM US
Central Time. Demos on 9/12.
- MP1 "Recommended" Solutions: [C++] [Java] [Go] [Python]
- These solutions are one among the many best solutions in the class. If your MP1 code doesn't work you can reuse these.
- [MP2 Specification Document]: Released 9/13. Due @ 10/2 11.59 PM US
Central Time. Demos on 10/3.
- MP2 "Recommended" Solutions: [C++] [Java] [Go]
- These solutions are one among the many best solutions in the class. If your MP1 code doesn't work you can reuse these.
- [MP3 Specification Document]: Released 10/13. Due @ 11/6 11.59 PM US
Central Time. Demos on 11/7.
- [MP4 Specification Document]: Released 11/8. Due @ 12/4 11.59 PM US
Central Time. Demos on 12/5.
Assignments (HWs)
- This section on HWs is for ALL students (on-campus, online, MCS-DS, all credit levels).
- Homework assignments (HWs) will be posted here. There will
be about
four to five HWs, and they will be handed out (approximately)
bi-weekly. We will stagger HW deadlines so that they do not clash with
MP deadlines.
- ALL Students (on-campus, online, MCS-DS) must do all HWs
For HWs, you must submit hardcopy
are typed. Figures may be drawn by hand. Handwritten solutions
will be returned without being graded. For each homework, please
make sure each new problem solution starts on a fresh sheet, and
that your name appears at the top of each sheet. Homeworks
are due at the start of the lecture on the due-date (no excuses).
- MCS Online students can email us HWs (by deadline
- MCS-DS students must upload their HW on Coursera (do not email them to us).
- All other on-campus students MUST PRINT their HWs for submission
- we will not accept emailed solutions.
You must work on all homeworks individually.
You can discuss concepts and clarifications of questions
with other students and the course staff.
Unless otherwise specified, the only resources you can
avail of in your
HWs are the provided course materials (slides, textbooks, etc.), and
communication with instructor/TA via the forum, e-mail, and office hours.
- Any corrections will appear in red font in HW document. Please refresh!
- [HW1
Document]: Released 8/22. Due @
9/20 Start of Lecture. [HW1 Solution]
- [HW2
Document]: Released 9/20. Due @ 10/4 Start of Lecture. [HW2 Solution]
- Q3 was corrected 9/25
- Q5 was corrected 10/18
- [HW3 Document]: Released 10/13. Due @ 11/1 Start of Lecture. [HW3 Solution]
- [HW4 Document]: Released 11/8. Due @ 12/6 Start of Lecture. [HW4 Solution]
- Q6a corrected 11/10
- Q2 clarified 11/14
- ALL Students (on-campus, online, MCS-DS) must take both
Midterm and Final Exams. If you are off-campus you will need to use a proctor.
- Midterm Exam around the middle of the semester. See Course schedule (Lectures) for a tentative date. It
will be
closed-book, closed notes. Calculators
ok. NO cheatsheets or cellphones or other devices allowed.
Final Exam is at the end of the semester. The schedule is decided by
campus, so please don't ask course staff for dates. When campus posts
it, we will post it on the course website.
- [Practice Midterm]. Released 10/4. We will not release solutions. However, there will be a discussion in class on 10/6.
- [Midterm Solutions]. Released 10/13.
Regrading Policy
- This section on regrading policy is for ALL students.
- All regrade requests must be submitted back within 1 week
of the graded HW/MP being returned. Regrade requests must be in writing
on a separate piece of paper, and must clearly indicate the question
number(s) and part(s) to regrade (and if necessary, the reason for the
regrade request).
- If you are an online or MCS-DS student,
please submit your regrade request
via email to the staff mailing list. Please document clearly on a
separate page what your regrade request is (see earlier bullet point).
The 1 week deadline still holds.
- Regrade requests submitted after one week of the HW/MP
being returned will not be regraded.
- All regrading decisions will be final (i.e., no
regrade requests on regrades).