
Distributed Systems




CS 425 : ECE 428



Contact Course Staff

Fall 2016


Latest Announcements and News (please check often) - Oldest First:

  • [8/23] First lecture.
  • [8/22] If you're a 4 credit on-campus/online student, please form your MP group and enter your MP group here: [This Link] (Fill by Thursday 8/25 EOD)
  • [8/22] If you're a student (on-campus or MCS-DS or online), regardless of whether you've managed to successfully register, then [Please take survey at this link]. (Fill by Thursday 9/1 EOD
  • [8/14] Website created.

Basic Information:

Class Meets:  Tu and Th, 2.00 PM - 3.15 PM, 1320 DCL (DCL = Digital Computer Laboratory)

All Coursera (MCS-DS) Students Go Here For All Course Content: [Coursera MCS-DS CS425 Website]

All other (non-MCS-DS students) should use this current website (not the Coursera website)

Discussion Forum for all students, on-campus, online and MCS-DS (fastest way to get queries answered): Piazza 

To mail staff, email: cs-425-staff@mx.uillinois.edu

Course Staff: 

Office Hours: 


[Recommended, but not Required]  Coulouris, G., Dollimore, J., Kindberg, T., and Blair G., Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design, Addison-Wesley, Fifth Edition, 2011, ISBN: 0132143011. Please note: We will refer to chapter, section, and problem numbers ONLY in the Fifth Edition. If you use an older edition, correct interpretation/translation of these numbers is solely the students' responsibility (no excuses).

[Supplementary (Optional) Textbooks]

Lots of readings from the Web

Sukumar Ghosh. Distributed Systems: An Algorithmic Approach. 2006 CRC Press, ISBN: 1584885645. (Available online free at the UIUC library)

A. Tanenbaum and M. Steen, Distributed systems: principles and paradigms, Prentice Hall, Second Edition, 2005, ISBN: 0132392275.

Prerequisites: CS 241 or ECE 391 or equivalent course on Operating Systems or Networking (approval of instructor required for latter).

Grades:  Compass 2g

Course Details Sheet: [pdf]

MP Groups (4 cr only): Form by Thursday 8/25 and let us know via [This Link] and send email to cs-425-staff@mx.uillinois.edu (Fill by Thursday 8/25)

Student Survey: If you're registered for this course -- [Please take survey at this link] (Fill by Thursday 9/1)

Lecture Videos: [Link to Videos] (Online Students only, MCS-DS Students should watch the Coursera video lectures)

Waitlist Form (if you've not been able to register yet): [Wailist Form Link]

Academic Integrity Policy (Please Read):

We adhere by the CS academic integrity policies outlined at the webpage https://agora.cs.illinois.edu/display/undergradProg/Honor+Code . It is the course policy that all of the work you submit for grading, or in support of graded material, as an individual or project group, shall be your own product, from inception to completion. The only resources you can avail of in your HWs and MPs are the provided course materials (slides, textbooks, etc.), and communication with instructor/TA via newsgroup and email. Please do not reveal solutions on any of these fora. Exams are closed-book, closed-notes, unless otherwise specified.

We rigorously check every submitted HW and MP (including code) for violations of academic integrity.

All violations of this academic integrity policy are treated seriously in this course. Don't risk it - just avoid cheating and the temptation to! That way, you'll learn more and years later you will be happier about standing up for yourself.