MP 0: Your Kernel Development Environment
Goals and Overview
- In this MP, you will learn download, compile, and install your own kernel
- You will configure your development environment for upcoming projects
- You will familiarize yourself with the layout of the kernel’s code
- The kernel source code will be a helpful reference for upcoming MPs
Developmental Setup
Each student will be assigned one VM with two 2.3GHZ CPUs and 4 GB RAM running Ubuntu 16.04. You will use this VM to complete all of the MPs in CS423. You will be able to log in using your university netid and password. We will review in class how to use vSphere (, requires connecting via the campus VPN) to power on/off your VMs. Please ONLY power on/off your own VM.
You will work on the provided Virtual Machine and you will develop kernel modules for the Linux Kernel 4.4.0-109 which is used by the OS in this Virtual Machine. You will have full access and control of your Virtual Machine. You will be able to turn it on and off using the VMWare Server Console.
Start configuring your Virtual Machine for kernel module development by downloading the Linux Kernel headers and standard development tools:
sudo apt-get install git build-essential kernel-package fakeroot libncurses5-dev libssl-dev ccache libelf-dev
Kernel compilation can take quite awhile. Moreover, as you are SSHing into the
machine, a network connectivity problem or errant closed window could cancel
the build. Therefore it may be wise to learn how to use screen
(or tmux
, a
more modern alternative):
sudo apt-get install screen tmux
Now, let’s download the kernel source git repository:
git clone git://
You can check to see which version of the kernel this is by opening the
Makefile and reading the VERSION
values at the
top of the file. Running a newer version of the kernel than Ubuntu 16.04 was
designed for might work without issue (feel free to try it), but it could also
cause problems as significant changes sometimes occur within the kernel. To be
safe, let’s checkout the appropriate version of the kernel source:
cd linux-stable
git checkout v4.4
If you return to the Makefile now, you should see that the VERSION
have changed. Make sure it has, because all the grading will
be done using kernel 4.4.0. Finally, feel free to install in your VM any
additional utilities or text editors (e.g., Emacs, Vim) that you find useful.
Kernel Compilation
To begin building the kernel, copy the kernel config file from the existing system into the base of your kernel source:
cp /boot/config-$(uname -r) .config
Running make oldconfig
will then apply the existing system’s configuration
to this kernel tree. However, in our case there are still many new config
options for which there is no existing config file setting. You can press
Enter when prompted to accept the default option for each setting. However,
to save time you can auto-accept the defaults by running:
yes "" | make oldconfig
We can now compile the kernel. Best practice when compiling the kernel is to
parallelize the build, with roughly one job per available core. (You may hear
varying advice, such as to add an extra job to minimize IO downtime.) The
below make
command automatically detects the available CPUs on your VM to do
this. (If you plan to continue using the VM while compiling, you might want to
keep a couple of threads available by reducing the number of jobs run by
). Also, to simplify installation, the command will build the linux
kernel image and linux header files into .deb
make -j $(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) deb-pkg LOCALVERSION=-NETID
IMPORTANT: CHANGE THE ABOVE LINE TO REPLACE “NETID” WITH YOUR NETID. The leading ‘-‘ is not a typo; the LOCALVERSION field is appended to the name of your kernel.
When this command finally returns, you will have new .deb
files one
directory up from the kernel source tree. To install the files, run the
following commands:
sudo dpkg -i linux-image-4.4.0-*_4.4.0-*_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-4.4.0-*_4.4.0-*_amd64.deb
The Makefile also includes other typical targets, such as clean
to remove build outputs.
NOTE: There is an alternative target, bindeb-pkg
, that doesn’t require
. In practice, this means that if you already compiled your kernel
once, then recompiling it with just a few changes will be a lot faster using
than deb-pkg
Booting into Your New Kernel
Now it’s time to boot into your newly built kernel. To do so, first you will
need to edit your VM’s grub
settings so that the bootloader is visible
during the startup sequence. As root, open /etc/default/grub
with your
preferred text editor, then comment out the GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT
lines by inserting #
at the front of the line.
Finally, to update your settings, run:
sudo update-grub
The kernel selection screen will now be visible by default for 10 seconds during the boot sequence. You can also set your custom kernel as the default grub entry, but it is recommended that you leave the kernel selection screen open on your VM in case you accidentally brick your custom kernel.
The easiest way to boot into your new kernel will be through opening up a VNC console to the VM. To do so, head to, enter in your university NetID and password, and select your VM from the “Navigator” pane. At the top of the central pane that opens, right next to your VM’s name, is a button to open up a VM console in a separate window.
Once open, reboot your VM with sudo reboot
from either the console or from
an SSH terminal. In the console, during the boot sequence you will see a Text
UI screen titled “GNU GRUB version 2.02…” appear. First, press one of the
arrow keys on your keyboard to stop the bootloader from timing out and
selecting the default boot option. Then, select “*Advanced options for
Ubuntu”. Select your custom kernel from the list (Note: Do *NOT* select the
option that says “Recovery Mode”). Verify that everything is working properly
by SSHing back into the VM.
Submission Instructions
This is an easy one – simply leave the custom kernel running on your VM until you are instructed to do otherwise. The teaching staff will connect to you machine and verify that your custom kernel is running.
Running your own local VM
Because we have had problems in the past with the availability of the Engr-IT cloud, it is recommended that you set up a kernel development environment on your personal machine (e.g., with VirtualBox) by repeating these instructions. Always remember that grading will be based on the Engr-IT cloud, so test your code there before submitting future assignments.