CS/ECE 374A fa24: Frequently asked questions

Q: How to draw a DFA/NFA?

You are of course welcome to just use free form drawing by using a pen and a paper, but if you want nicer looking results, here are a few options:

Q: How to get DRES accommodation for homeworks and exams?

We believe that DRES accommodations are important, and we are happy to facilitate them. In particular, we encourage you to ask for such accommodations if you need them.

To this end, please email the instructors in the class your LOA (letter of accommodation) from DRES. Usually, accommodations for exams are done via DRES - you would need to allocate a slot with DRES for taking the exams.

Accommodations in detail:

  1. Exams: For any accommodations, you have to take the exam with DRES. You have to allocate a slot to take the exam with DRS. It is a good idea to do the scheduling two weeks before the exam. Schedule the exam in time *after* the class had taken the exam.
  2. Homeworks:
    1. We do not provide make up assignments.
    2. If you have DRES accommodation for homework, you can submit your homework up to 24 hours later. To do so, please email the pdf of your homework to the appropriate TA. We expect people to use this late submission rarely, on need basis, as stated in such LOAs. No submission would be accepted once the solutions to the homeworks are released.

Explanation: These letter usually say "These accommodations are not intended to substantially alter the nature of the course." However, we are trying to release the homework solutions in a timely fashion (i.e., 24 hours after the deadline) so that:

Q: Syllabus for the class?

The official course description is here. The unofficial (but potentially more useful) description is here.

When would discussion section solutions be posted?

A: The solutions, for the week discussion section, would be posted every weekend (hopefully) by Sunday morning.

Do we need to provide pseudo-code when describing an algorithm?

No (unless we explicitly ask you to provide it). But it is highly recommended - done correctly it gives us another way to verify your algorithm is correct. There are however many cases where pseudo-code does not provide clarity, and in such cases it is not helpful. Use your common sense.

Why do we need to provide pseudo-code when describing dynamic programming solution?

We only ask for the explicit iterative code for the DP, and there are several reasons:
  1. The iterative algorithm is much faster (first column [marked DP] in the table below):

    Yes. It is only a constant factor, but it is a significant constant factor.
    (Table taken from lecture slides.)

  2. This is what you need to know. Not only for this class, but more importantly to get a job - if you do a job interview and you solve something using DP, they would expect you to write code that uses loops and solves the DP. You need to practice doing it so you can do it.

  3. As usual, in the exams, if we want pseudo-code, we would explicitly ask for it (we probably wouldn't, unless we think it makes it easier [sometimes it does]).

Prairie Learn

  1. Q: What parts of PrairieLearn count towards the course grade?
    A: Only the Guided Problem Sets (GPS') are required for course credit. The additional exercises available are for practice.

  2. Q: When will new GPS' be posted?
    A: At least a week before the deadline. The usual deadline will be Tuesdays at 10AM CST. This may change depending on where holidays fall.

  3. Q: What is the grading scheme for PrairieLearn?
    A: Each question in each assessment in PrairieLearn is graded by taking the best submission before the deadline. You have unlimited submissions on all questions.

  4. Q: What order do I need to complete the questions in an assessment?
    A: It is strongly recommended that you complete the questions in-order, as later questions depend on the answers for earlier ones, though not always strictly required. Some assessments may require completing questions in-order before you can progress. This will be clear from the individual assessment page, so make sure to plan accordingly.

Last modified: Fri 2024-10-11 16:51:28 UTC 2024 by Sariel Har-Peled