CS/ECE 374: Frequently asked questions
How to draw a DFA/NFA?
A: You are of course welcome to just use free form drawing by
using a pen and a paper, but if you want nicer looking results,
here are a few options:
- Q: How to get DRES accommodation for homeworks and exams?
Please email the instructors in the class your LOA (letter of
accommodation) from DRES. We will give you whatever extra time
for exams as the letter requires us. As for homeworks, the
situations is somewhat more complicated. If you have
accommodation for homework, you can submit your homework up to 24
hours later. To do so, please email Samir Kahn the pdf of your
homework (he might ask you to upload the solutions to gradescope
yourself). We expect people to use this late submission rarely,
on need basis, as stated in such LOAs. No submission would be
accepted once the solutions to the homeworks are released.
These letter usually say "These accommodations are not intended
to substantially alter the nature of the course." However, we
are trying to release the homework solutions in a timely fashion
(i.e., 24 hours after the deadline) so that:
- help students with writing the next homework, by providing
a detailed solutions,
- hopefully have students look at the solutions while they
are still interested in the homework,
- help the students prepare to the midterm (if the homework
due date is before the midterm).
Last modified: Sat 2020-09-05 17:56:54 UTC 2020 by Sariel Har-Peled<