Terrible Threads
Learning Objectives
- Synchronization primitives
- Common patterns in multithreaded programs
- Thread-safe datastructures and their design
There are three main componenents to this lab, two of which are graded. These are Rendezvous (not graded), Semamore, and Thread-safe Queue. Each of these represent very common synchronization problems (or slight twists on them) that will do you well to become familiar with.
Good luck!
Rendezvous (UNGRADED)
This is a problem for you to think about. We have provided a worked solution to this problem but PLEASE try to solve this problem before looking at the solution!
Problem description:
Given two threads, a and b, and the fact that both have to run two tasks (a1, a2, b1, b2), how do you get both a1 and b1 to run before either a2 and b2? In rendezvous.c, you need to modify the two functions (modifyB_printA & modifyA_printB) using semaphores so that both quotes A and B are modified before being printed.
NOTE: A semamore is NOT a real thing! It is simply a made up clever name!
A normal semaphore blocks when the value within the semaphore reaches 0. A semamore blocks when it reaches 0, but also blocks when it reaches some maximum value. You can think of a semamore as a top-bounded semaphore. In semamore.c, you are given four functions to work on, semm_init, semm_wait, semm_post, semm_destroy. semm_post is the important difference. When semm_post reaches max_val (as defined in the semamore struct in semamore.h), it blocks.
There are four functions in total you will be writing.
Before attempting to write semm_init, please do read the semamore.h
file which defines the Semamore struct. In semm_init, you are given a Semamore struct which has already been allocated (no need to directly use malloc here), a value, and a max value.
The value represents the exact same concept as a normal semaphore. The max_val represents the top bound as described earlier. Ensure here that all the values in the struct are properly set and initialized.
Here you are passed a pointer to a Semamore struct. This function should behave like a normal semaphore. If the value is at 0 in the Semamore struct, you should block. If the value is currently not at 0, then we decrement it.
This function will specifically have different behavior than a normal semaphore. If the value is at max_val in the Semamore struct, then you need to block. If the value is currently not at max_val, then we increment it.
Here you are passed a Semamore struct in which you want to clean up the data. You only have to cleanup members of the struct here, rather than the struct itself. Wherever semm_destroy is called by is responsible for freeing the Semamore struct itself. Any memory allocated in semm_init should be dealt with here. To reiterate, you do not need to free the Semamore struct itself.
NOTE: Do not use semaphores or your semamore here.
Your task is to build a thread safe queue, that also may or may not be bounded, by implementing the functions in queue.c. The maxSize of the queue can be set to either a positive number or a non-positive number. If positive, your queue will block if the user tries to push when the queue is full. If not positive, your queue should never block upon a push (the queue does not have a max size). Obviously, if your queue is empty then you should block on a pull. You should make use of the node struct to store and retrieve information. In the end, your queue implementation should be able to handle concurrent calls from multiple threads. queue_init and queue_destroy will not be called by multiple threads.
The queue is completely independent of the data that the user feeds it. The queue should not attempt to free this data, instead leaving that to the user of the queue.
NOTE: This will only ever be called by a single thread!
Before attempting to write queue_init, please do read the provided queue.h
file which defines the queue_t struct. In queue_init, you are given a queue_t struct which has already been allocated (no need to directly use malloc here) and a maxSize for your queue.
The value of maxSize will change the behavior of your queue when it is positive vs non-positive as described above. Ensure that this is set correctly as well as initializing values within this queue_t struct.
NOTE: This can be called by multiple threads!
In queue_push, you are given a pointer to a queue_t struct as well as a data item. This function should take the given data, create a new node for it (a queue_node_t), and place it on the queue while following the rules we defined above. Specifically, if the queue is bounded (meaning you have a positive number as the maxSize) and the queue is full (at that maxSize value), then you should block.
You should be pushing the new node on in constant time. Be careful with the various cases you might run into when inserting the new node (think back to 125/225)! Ensure that you have updated the variables in queue_t properly!
NOTE: This can be called by multiple threads!
In queue_pull, you are given a pointer to a queue_t struct. This function should take the queue and get the data located in the current head of the list, free and then update the head, and finally return the data while following the rules we defined above. Specifically, if the queue is empty, then you should block.
You should be getting data to be returned from your queue. Ensure that you have updated the variables in queue_t properly!
NOTE: This will only ever be called by a single thread!
Here you recieve a pointer to a queue_t struct. You do not have to free the queue_t struct itself, but you must cleanup the items for which an allocation was made within the struct here. Be sure you have freed all memory you allocated. To reiterate, do not free the queue_t struct itself, just anything that required an allocation in queue_init.
Since the implementation of your semamore is quite close to an actual semaphore, please test this on your own in a variety of ways. Be careful of race conditions! They can be hard to find!
You will find a file called testqueue.c
in the lab. We would like you to write your own test cases by applying your queue to the same problem solved in testqueue.c
. This by no means an exhaustive test, just an example. Further testing is required in order to be assured of the correctness of your queue. This is ungraded, but it is highly recommended.
Helpful Hints and Notes
- Make sure you throughly test both your Semamore and Queue! Race conditions can be hard to spot!
- Attempting to visualize your code or diagram it in certain cases can sometimes be a huge aid and is highly recommended!