Terrible Traversals
▼Ncs225 | |
CHSLAPixel | |
CPNG | |
CrgbaColor | |
ChslaColor | |
▼NTraversals | Namespace containing everything required for an image traversal |
▼CImageTraversal | A base class for traversal algorithms on images |
CIterator | A forward iterator through an ImageTraversal |
CAnimation | Animation class—used to create animated images from a sequence of PNG objects as frames of the animation |
CColorPicker | The base class for different color picking algorithms All color picking classes inherit from this class |
CFloodFilledImage | This class is used to do flood fill on an image |
CGradientColorPicker | A color picker class using gradient color picking algorithm |
CGridColorPicker | A color picker class using grid color picking algorithm |
CMyColorPicker | A color picker class using your own color picking algorithm |
CPoint | Simple Point class containing a public unsigned x and y for representing 2D points on an image |
CRainbowColorPicker | A color picker class using rainbow color picking algorithm |
CSolidColorPicker | A color picker class using solid color picking algorithm |