Course Info Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

Academic Integrity

Collaboration Policy

Coding Style Policy

Video Tutorials for C++

C++ Videos

Note that these resources are in Beta. We’d love to hear your feedback!

Required Software

(or “How not to let EWS downtime affect you”)

CS 225 Development on Your Own Machine

Instructions on how to install the required software on your personal computer.

Connecting to EWS

EWS Remote access using SSH with Linux

A guide by CITES on how to open a remote EWS Linux terminal from Windows/Mac/Linux.

Remote Connections Guide

Some easy ways to remotely access the EWS Linux Machines graphically from Windows/Mac/Linux.

Learning Linux and Associated Tools

PDF Tutorials

A comprehensive Introductory Linux Tutorial

A Basic Linux Tutorial for CS225 Students

Random Useful Linux Commands

YouTube Tutorials

Basic file system commands

Making and removing files and directories

Moving and copying files from one place to another

(ignore the stuff on nano unless you are curious, we recommend vim).

Testing Your Output

Testing Output

A tutorial on how to test program output using redirection and diff.

Pointer Debugging Tutorial

A tutorial for testing code that relies heavily on pointer manipulation.

Learning Vim


A brief tutorial on the Vim editor.

Learn Vim Progressively

Another resource for Vim.

Vim User Manual

Top to bottom documentation on how to use Vim.

Vim CheatSheet

A keyboard overlay of Vim command keys.

Interactive Vim

An interactive tutorial.

A Template .vimrc

A ~/.vimrc is a settings file for vim. If it exists, it is located at in user’s home directory.

To use the one located at the link above, type the following in the terminal. Note that if you have previous settings in your ~/.vimrc file, these commands will overwrite it.

mv template-vimrc ~/.vimrc

Understanding SVN

SVN Tutorial

A very brief intro to the version control system.

The red-bean book

Everything you could ever want to know about subversion (SVN).

Understanding Makefiles

Makefile Tutorial

An introductory tutorial on Makefiles

Other Resources

Programming Advice

Reading List

Steps to Independent Programming

Resources from previous semesters

Applets, Movies, Interactive Learning Tools

Binky Pointer Fun Video

Linked List Applet

Applet for Trees and Skip Lists

Binary Search Trees (Flash Player required)

Binary Search Trees

Google Docs

Fun With Pointers

Student Wiki: Student Final Exam Guide & Exam Solutions