Exam Information
Exam | Registration Opens | Exam Start | Exam End |
Theory Exam 3: Theory Exam 3 | Thu, Mar 22 | Tue, Apr 3 | Fri, Apr 6 |
Theory Exam 2: Theory Exam 2 | Thu, Feb 15 | Tue, Feb 27 | Fri, Mar 2 |
Programming Exam C: Programming Exam C | Thu, Apr 5 | Tue, Apr 17 | Fri, Apr 20 |
Programming Exam B: Programming Exam B | Thu, Mar 1 | Tue, Mar 13 | Fri, Mar 16 |
Programming Exam A: Programming Exam A | Thu, Feb 1 | Tue, Feb 13 | Fri, Feb 16 |
Final Exam: Final Exam | Thu, Mar 22 | Thu, May 3 | Thu, May 10 |
Theory Exam 1: Theory Exam 1 | Thu, Jan 18 | Tue, Jan 30 | Fri, Feb 2 |
Exam 0: Exam 0 | Thu, Jan 18 | Tue, Jan 23 | Fri, Jan 26 |
This semester, we will have an “Exam 0”, 3 theory exams and 3 programming exams, all in the Computer Based Testing Facility (CBTF).
Here is what you can expect:
As per the syllabus, your performance on each assessment corresponds to 4% of your grade in the course.
Time & Place
You are responsible for scheduling your own exam time. Visit https://cbtf.engr.illinois.edu/ to choose your time!
Theory exams will be 50 minutes and programing exams will be 110 minutes.
Makeup Exams
Given that each exam is offered for a week, the general course policy is not to offer makeup exams. In very exceptional circumstances involving health or other emergencies, a makeup exam may be considered.
We’re still working on the details of the exams… check back soon!
See the CBTF page for more detailed policies. Here’s a summary:
No hats, gloves, phones, water bottles, paper, or anything else we think might indicate a breach of academic integrity, will be allowed in your exam space.
Please use the restroom before the exam begins.
No questions about exam content will be answered during the exam; If you think there is a poorly specified question (or more than one), please post a private note on Piazza, and it will be handled fairly, after the exam is over.
Practice Exams
Here are the past practice exams; the practice exams were designed for semester with two 3-hour written exams and a final, so there’s not a great mapping between the new and old exams. However, the programming questions should be good practice for the electronic exams.
Past Midterm 1’s
Applies to: Exam 1
- sp14
- fa12
- fa10
- sp09 | solution
- sp08 | solution
- fa07 | solution
- sp07 | MC solution | solution
- su05 | solution
- sample1 | solution
- sample2 | solution
Past Midterm 2’s
Past Finals
DRES Exams
Instructions for students registered with DRES and receiving accommodations for extended time or reduced distraction environment may use the CBTF. Policies and instructions are here: https://cbtf.engr.illinois.edu/#dres. Note in particular:
- You must take your LOA with you to the exam—an electronic copy, displayed on your phone, is fine.
- You must schedule your exam during one of the available times and in such a way that your time extension fits within CBTF open hours.