Monstrous Mosaics
kdtree.h File Reference

KDTree implementation using Points in k-dimensional space. More...


class  KDTree< Dim >
 KDTree class: implemented using Points in Dim dimensional space (given by the template parameter). More...


template<int Dim>
bool shouldReplace (const Point< Dim > &target, const Point< Dim > &currentBest, const Point< Dim > &potential)
 Determines if a Point is closer to the target Point than another reference Point. More...
template<int Dim>
bool smallerDimVal (const Point< Dim > &first, const Point< Dim > &second, int curDim)
 Determines if Point a is smaller than Point b in a given dimension d. More...
template<typename RandIter , typename Comparator >
void select (RandIter begin, RandIter end, RandIter k, Comparator cmp)
 This function uses the quickselect algorithm to partition the given range such that the k-th element is in the k-th position and all elements that compare as less by the provided function are to the left and all larger elements are to the right. More...

Detailed Description

KDTree implementation using Points in k-dimensional space.

Zesheng Wang
Wade Fagen-Ulmschneider
Cinda Heeren
Jack Toole
Sean Massung

Function Documentation

◆ select()

template<typename RandIter , typename Comparator >
void select ( RandIter  begin,
RandIter  end,
RandIter  k,
Comparator  cmp 

This function uses the quickselect algorithm to partition the given range such that the k-th element is in the k-th position and all elements that compare as less by the provided function are to the left and all larger elements are to the right.

Note this does not sort the range and runs in expected O(n) time.

Reference (

beginiterator to the start of the range inclusive
enditerator to one past the end of the range
kiterator to the location in the range to find
cmpcompare function true if arg1 is less than arg2
Implement this function!

◆ shouldReplace()

template<int Dim>
bool shouldReplace ( const Point< Dim > &  target,
const Point< Dim > &  currentBest,
const Point< Dim > &  potential 

Determines if a Point is closer to the target Point than another reference Point.

Takes three points: target, currentBest, and potential, and returns whether or not potential is closer to target than currentBest.

We are using Euclidean distance to compare k-dimensional points: $\sqrt{(p_1-q_1)^2+(p_2-q_2)^2+\ldots+(p_n-q_n)^2} = \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^n (p_i-q_i)^2}$. Note, however, that minimizing distance is the same as minimizing squared distance, so you can avoid invoking the square root and just compare squared distances in your code.

For example:

Point<3> target(1, 3, 5);
Point<3> currentBest1(1, 3, 2);
Point<3> possibleBest1(2, 4, 4);
Point<3> currentBest2(1, 3, 6);
Point<3> possibleBest2(2, 4, 4);
Point<3> currentBest3(0, 2, 4);
Point<3> possibleBest3(2, 4, 6);
cout << shouldReplace(target, currentBest1, possibleBest1) << endl; // true
cout << shouldReplace(target, currentBest2, possibleBest2) << endl; // false
cout << shouldReplace(target, currentBest3, possibleBest3) << endl;
 // based on operator<, this should be false
This function is required for Part 1.
targetThe Point we want to be close to.
currentBestThe Point that is currently our closest Point to target.
potentialOur Point that is a candidate to replace currentBest (that is, it may be closer to target than currentBest).
A boolean value indicating whether potential is closer to target than currentBest. Ties should be broken with Point::operator<().
Implement this function!

◆ smallerDimVal()

template<int Dim>
bool smallerDimVal ( const Point< Dim > &  first,
const Point< Dim > &  second,
int  curDim 

Determines if Point a is smaller than Point b in a given dimension d.

If there is a tie, break it with Point::operator<().

For example:

Point<3> a(1, 2, 3);
Point<3> b(3, 2, 1);
cout << smallerDimVal(a, b, 0) << endl; // should print true
cout << smallerDimVal(a, b, 2) << endl; // should print false
cout << smallerDimVal(a, b, 1) << endl; // based on operator<, this should be true
This function is required for Part 1.
firstPoint to compare.
secondSecond point to compare.
curDimDimension these points are being compared in.
A boolean value indicating whether the first Point is smaller than the second Point in the curDim dimension.
Implement this function!