Course Websites

TE 598 AI0 - Idea to AI Enterprise

Last offered Fall 2024

Official Description

Subject offerings of innovation, creativity, technology and entrepreneurship intended to augment the existing curriculum. See class schedule or departmental course information for topics and prerequisites. Course Information: May be repeated in the same or separate terms for unlimited graduate hours if topics vary.

Section Description

This graduate-level course examines critical areas of the entrepreneurial process: problem and solution identification; validation of product-market fit; market assessment; team formation; product development; intellectual property; financing a technology-based startup. This class combines lecture, discussion & case studies, and is built around a hands-on group project leveraging the lean startup methodology from the National Science Foundation I-Corps program. The class is intended for students pursuing the certificate in Accelerating Innovation in AI (AI2), but all upper-level students interested in technology entrepreneurship are welcome.

Related Faculty

Idea to AI EnterpriseAI065712LEC21000 - 1150 W    John S Thode