PHYS 575 :: Physics Illinois :: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


We will primarily use the following textbooks for this course, all of which are required. All three are available for online purchase from the Illini Union bookstore. In particular, the books by Larkoski and Peskin do not require any knowledge of quantum field theory, and perform many of the same calculations as Schwartz using reasoning motivated by quantum mechanics.

Schwartz, Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model
Larkoski, Elementary Particle Physics: An Intuitive Introduction
Peskin, Concepts of Elementary Particle Physics

For additional reading, you many find the following books useful. They are both available for checkout from the library; if unavailable, the instructor and/or TA will provide scans of the suggested reading.

Peskin and Schroeder, An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory
Chen (ed.), Quantum Field Theory Lectures of Sidney Coleman