PHYS 515 :: Physics Illinois :: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

1-hour paper review

Reading and reviewing scientific papers quickly is an essential skill for a researcher. You will practice this skill in this course by reviewing four scientific papers throughout the semester.
Each review should take you no more than 60 minutes. Please follow the instructions, see here, and answer the questions listed there so that you don't spend more than 60 minutes on the review.

Your review should be about an exciting research paper that you can find on the web about gravitation (broadly defined). You can search for papers using, e.g., the arXiv, iNSPIRES, Google Scholar, or the APS journals (Phys. Rev. Letters, Phys. Rev. D), IOP journals (Classical and Quantum Gravity), Journal for High-Energy Physics, etc.
Some suggestions for classic or recent research papers are here.

The 1-hour paper reviews are due approximately every three weeks, as indicated in the schedule. They should be submitted online.

Please note that you will not be graded for your understanding of the paper that you review. Instead, you will get the points by making an honest effort to satisfy the instructions, which will teach you an important skill that all scientists should have: reading a paper efficiently.

The paper review will make up 8% of your final grade.

Please follow the instructions during the lecture and the information on this website for any updates.

Academic integrity

All activities in this course are subject to the Academic Integrity rules as described in Article 1, Part 4, Academic Integrity, of the Student Code.