PHYS 486 :: Physics Illinois :: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Course Grading

Course grading will proceed in compliance with University policy as given in Article 3, Part 1 of the Student Code.

Homework will be submitted and returned via the uploader tool in my.physics (click here to access).  Late assignments will be marked down 20% for each day beyond the due date, i.e., if your raw score is x, your score one day late would be 0.8 x.    The homework sets must be clearly written.  

A few words on our grading scale for problem sets. Every part of a problem is worth 3 points in total (e.g. a three-part problem would be worth 9 points total) and will be scored as follows:

3: perfect solution, devoid of conceptual or technical errors

2.5: solution is conceptually correct, but contains minor mathematical errors (signs, numerical factors, etc.)

2: solution contains minor conceptual errors or larger mathematical errors, but makes good progress towards the correct answer

1: solution contains major conceptual errors and does not make meaningful progress towards the correct answer

0: no attempt at solution

Pre-lectures: These are webforms with some short questions based on the reading assigned for each lecture.  The purpose of these questions is to help assess understanding of the concepts.  Pre-lectures must be completed at least a half-hour before lecture to get credit.  Pre-lectures will take the place of lecture attendance credit.  Links to the webforms will be emailed weekly.


You will be able to view your grades on all components of the course using the course Gradebook.


Your final grade for Physics 486 will be based upon the course components as follows:

Course Component Number of Assignments  Percentage 
Pre-Lectures (lowest two scores will be dropped) 25 10%
Discussion sessions (lowest two scores will be dropped) 14 10%
Homework (lowest will be dropped) 11 20%
Midterm exams I and II 2 30%
Final Exam 1 30%