PHYS 214 :: Physics Illinois :: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Course Grading

Course grading will proceed in compliance with University policy as given in Article 3, Part 1 of the Student Code.


You will be able to view your grades on all components of the course using the course gradebook. Check that your lab and quiz grades are correctly entered in the gradebook.

Any discrepancies found in your student gradebook should be brought to the attention of your section instructor immediately.


Your final grade for Physics 214 will be based upon your total score on all the components of the course. The total possible score is 1000 points.

This semester we will  be offering two different grading schemes based on whether or not students would like to attend synchronous lectures.  The default grading scheme will be synchronous. You can sign up for the asynchronous grading scheme in your student gradebook during the first two weeks of the course (1/16/2023 8:00 AM - 1/30/2023 10:00 PM) . The two grading schemes are outlined below:

Synchronous lecture grading scheme

In this scheme, you get points for iclicker participation during lecture. As long as you show up and participate, these points are guaranteed.

Course component Number of assignments Number dropped per semester Maximum points per semester
Checkpoints 12 2 25
Lecture (iClicker participation) 20 5 25
Homework 12 0 150
Discussions 6 1 150
Labs 3 0 150
Biweekly quizzes 2 0 200
Final exam 1 0 300

Asynchronous lecture grading scheme

In this scheme, the lecture iclicker points are assigned to the final exam. This allows you to watch the lecture recording at a later time, but you lose the "free points." You still must attend discussion and lab.

Course component Number of assignments Number dropped per semester Maximum points per semester
Checkpoints 12 2 25
Homework 12 0 150
Discussions 6 1 150
Labs 3 0 150
Biweekly quizzes 2 0 200
Final exam 1 0 325

Bonus Points: 3 points

For either grading scheme, you will have an opportunity to earn up to 3 bonus points via the following activities.

Bonus points will be added on top of the total sum of points you earn in this course when calculating your final score at the end of the semester.

EX and ABS scores

Any EX scores you may be assigned in the gradebook will become the average of the non-EX scores you may have for an certain assignment type during the final grade calculation. For example, if there are 10 homework assignments setup for your course, and you have two EX scores, 100% for seven of your homework scores and 0% for one of your homework scores, those two EXs should evaluate to 87.5% each. So your final homework scores used in the final calculation should be:

0% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 87.5% 87.5%

Only during the final calculation are the lowest scores dropped; the dropping of lowest scores is not part of calculating EX scores.

Any ABS scores will be treated like a 0 score during final grade calculations.

Please be sure to familiarize yourself with the attendance policy for this course.

Final Grade

The following table will be used to assign final grades.

Letter Range
A+ 1000 - 950
A 949.99 - 920
A- 919.99 - 900
B+ 899.99 - 880
B 879.99 - 860
B- 859.99 - 835
C+ 834.99 - 810
C 809.99 - 780
C- 779.99 - 750
D+ 749.99 - 720
D 719.99 - 690
D- 689.99 - 610
F 609.99 - 0