ECE 310: Digital Signal Processing I


Homework Due Solution
HW 1 6/18 Soln 1
HW 2 6/21 Soln 2
HW 3 6/25 Soln 3
HW 4 7/02 Soln 4
HW 5 7/05 Soln 5
HW 6 7/09 Soln 6
HW 7 7/16 Soln 7
HW 8 7/19 Soln 8
HW 9 7/23 Soln 9
HW 10 Not Due Soln 10

Homework Grading

  • HW must be turned in by the due date on Gradescope.

  • Lowest two HW grades will be dropped.

  • Homework and exams will be graded using gradescope. You can create gradescope account using your university email id. We will upload the class roster to Gradescope

  • You will be submitting homework using gradescope as a PDF file. Please refer to the following link and video.

  • Write neatly. Please box the equations you will be solving and the final answer. If we cannot read it we cannot grade it!

  • Regrade requests must be submitted on gradescope within one week of grades being posted