CS598 Parallel Computing Models - Fall 2023

Class Meeting: Online Zoom https://illinois.zoom.us/j/8815849854?pwd=SmlWOHIzamYvTGxTMTY0Z3RTdlJvZz09

Instructor: Lawrence Rauchwerger
office: Online and in Office
office hours:  After class and by arrangement
email: rwerger@illinois.edu
url: https://cs.illinois.edu/directory/profile/rwerger
office phone: 

Course homepage:  https://courses.grainger.illinois.edu/cs598ppm/fa2023

Syllabus:  Syllabus

Lecture slides:  CS598PPM.v97.pdf

Zoom recordings: https://mediaspace.illinois.edu/playlist/dedicated/1_c07hf41n/

Project: Call for Proposals (cfp) https://courses.grainger.illinois.edu/cs598ppm/fa2023/cfp.pdf

All course materials are/will be available on this website


Course News Group: Piazza (not yet)






Grading Policies: 2 algorithms in three programming models (proposal+code+presentation+performance evaluation )


Project (proposal+code+presentation)


Late Work Policy: Late work will not be accepted unless an exception is specifically mentioned in the assignment.

Collaboration: No collaboration is allowed unless specifically declared