CS492: Senior Project I (Fall 2020)



DigiClips is a media monitoring company. We record TV and Radio 24/7. We also monitor newspapers, magazines, blogs, etc.. This data is then indexed in our MySQL database server so that the appropriate small pieces (clips) of of these medias can be retrieved and sold to our clients for research purposes. These clips are often accompanied by meta data such as Nielsen Ratings, frequency of broadcast, scripts, translations, charts & graphs, etc.. We also provide URLs to relevant online content. We have a wide range of clients who need to be kept informed about what the media is saying on subjects and key words of interest to them.

We have two back-ends, written in C, one for recording TV and the other for radio. We also have a general information website and an in-development front-end website that will allow clients to request clips or other media by subject and have email alerts sent to them whenever there is a hit on their requests. These tasks are currently done mostly by humans and some requests will probably require human intervention for the foreseeable future. The websites are coded using MySQL, Angular 9, RXJS, Node.js, TypeScript, React Form Builder, ffmpeg and Express. Code is stored on our private GitHub account. We have been working with Capstone projects for 4+ years so we have a well honed program to help students have a great learning experience. Much of the student code will be tried in our currently running apps to provide them with real world feedback and an opportunity to profile, tune and perfect their code.

Gauransh Tandon: Integrated Code Risk Score Application

Rationale for creating this tool is to help build an end-to-end product that can be used by any company for improving the overall code quality. Currently, in the industry there is a real need, specially in DevOPS, for reducing the number of people who are reviewing code - in the enterprise supply chain; this program can help in automating good code - thereby, reducing overall code to be reviewed manually. Furthermore, in University level Programming courses alot of Teaching Assistants are required to manually review the code for providing relevant feedback. I want to expand this program for UIUC Courses CS 242 and CS 126 in order to help students - write better code; with a successful automated tool - students can have access to a more in-depth analysis for improving their code.