- 5 homeworks in total.
- Approx every 2 weeks.
- Will be submitted using Gradescope.
- Must be typed (hand-written diagrams are fine).
- Must be done individually.
MPs (only for 4 credit version)
- 4 mini projects.
- Groups of up to 2 and need to fill up a form to activate VM clusters.
- Supported languages: Python, Go, C/C++, Java
Grade components
- Homeworks
- MPs (only for 4 credit version)
- Exams
- One midterm (Mar 22-24 via CBTF)
- Comprehensive final
- CampusWire + class participation
Grade distribution
- Homework (33%)
- Midterm (23%)
- Final (43%)
- MPs (N/A)
- CampusWire + class participation (1%)
- Homework (16% and drop 2 worst HWs)
- Midterm (17%)
- Final (33%)
- MPs (33%)
- CampusWire + class participation (1%)
The source code of the website has been borrowed from Nikita Borisov