CS/ECE 374A fa24: Introduction to Algorithms & Models of Computation
Lectures/labs : When/where : Office hours : Course staff : About : FAQ : Stressed?
Policies: HW : Grading : Cheating : Code of Conduct
Get access: EdStem, gradescope, discord, PrairieLearn.
Other useful resources : Some stuff you already know


  1. 10/6/24: A Midterm and its solution.
  2. 8/26: Welcome to the new semester. The following things are up and ready:
    1. GPS 1: Guided solving problem on PrairieLearn. See due date/time on site.
    2. HW 1: First regular homework.
    3. EdStem: Q & A forum.
    4. Discord
    5. Gradescope: submitting homeworks.
    6. QR Code:

sp24 : fa23 : sp23 : fa22 : sp22 : fa21 : sp21 : fa20 : sp20 : fa19 : sp19 : fa18 : sp18 : fa17 : sp17 : fa16 : sp16 : fa15
Last modified: Mon 2024-10-07 00:23:23 UTC 2024 by Sariel Har-Peled