PHYS 402 :: Physics Illinois :: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Final exam:
The Final exam will take place on Wednesday, 12/18 8:00-11:00 AM in 331 Armory Building.
The exam will be on all the material that was covered during the semster.
The exam is open book and you may use any material on physical paper (textbooks, printed notes, handwritten notes...).
Please bring calculators – they are allowed and you may need one! With the exception of calculators, no electronic devices are allowed.
Here is a link to a sample final exam to give you an idea of the requirements and difficulty.
The review slides file has been updated to include the material of the second semester (you may print them and bring to the exam). Note: exam questions may rely on derivations that are not included or well-covered by the review slides.
Good luck!
Midterm exam:
The miterm exam will take place on Thursday, 10/21 11:00-12:20 in Loomis Rm. 144 (NOT our usual classroom).
The exam will be on all the material that was covered up to and including Transmission and Reflection – all the material of Lectures 1-10.
The exam is open book and you may use any material on physical paper (textbooks, printed notes, handwritten notes...).
Please bring calculators – they are allowed and you may need one! With the exception of calculators, no electronic devices are allowed.
Here is a link to a sample exam to give you an idea of the requirements and difficulty.
Here is a link to review slides that you may find useful (you may print them and bring to the exam). Note: exam questions may rely on derivations that are not included or well-covered by the review slides.
Advice: exam questions are written under the assumption that students know how to solve all HW problems and understand the posted solutions to these problems; it is a good idea to make sure that this assumption is correct.
Good luck!
Welcome to Physics 402 Fall 2024 Website!
Please refer to Course description for important information about the course.
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