Course Websites
NPRE 321 - Intro to Plasmas & Application
Last offered Fall 2024
Official Description
Provides an introduction to plasma concepts. Basics covered will include what is a plasma and how a plasma is generated to the different types of plasmas and related underlying concepts such as the sheath, frequencies, drift velocities diagnostics and an introduction to nuclear fusion. There is a practicum component where students receive hands-on experience with plasmas in a laboratory setting with live demonstrations. Course Information: Prerequisite: MATH 241 and PHYS 212.
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Schedule and Instructors
Title | Section | CRN | Type | Hours | Times | Days | Location | Instructor |
Intro to Plasmas & Application | A | 77292 | LCD | 3 | 1500 - 1550 | M W F | 1035 Campus Instructional Facility | Daniel Andruczyk |