Accessing diffusion data and computing diffusivity

We will work with the traditional “five frequency” model for solute diffusion in a face-centered cubic (FCC) lattice. A relatively large database of solute barriers was published by the Dane Morgan group recently; paper with the public database which we will use for our computation.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import default_rng
rng = default_rng()
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.constants
# grab Boltzmann's constant; we'll need it later
kBoltzmann = scipy.constants.physical_constants['Boltzmann constant in eV/K'][0]

The datafile we need is an Excel spreadsheet, available at In addition, you should investigate the structure of the database at

We use sheet_name=None to get all of the sheets; the first sheet is the host information, followed by different solutes.

Some information about what we’re going to see:

diffusionDB = pd.read_excel('', 

You’ll want to inspect the content of the sheets to understand what the data looks like.

dict_keys(['Host Information', 'Al-X', 'Cu-X', 'Ni-X', 'Pd-X', 'Pt-X', 'Mg-X', 'W-X', 'Mo-X', 'Fe-X', 'Au-X', 'Ca-X', 'Ir-X', 'Pb-X', 'Ag-X', 'Zr-X'])
diffusionDB['Host Information']
Host element name Al Cu Ni Pd Pt Mg W Mo Fe Au Ca Ir Pb Ag Unnamed: 15
1 Host melting temperature [K] 933 1358 1728 1828 2041 923 3695 2896 1811 1337 1115 2719 600 1234 NaN
2 Host vacancy formation energy [eV] 0.4847 0.9628 1.39014 1.1365 0.6112 0.7978 3.052665 2.936949 2.22277 0.4097 1.131886 1.582394 0.416922 0.78365 NaN
3 Host lattice constant, a [angstrom] 4.039094 3.633779 3.507861 3.933174 3.962852 3.193777 3.18834 3.157333 2.82491 4.1565 5.504164 3.87636 5.015953 4.142557 NaN
4 Host lattice constant, c [angstrom] NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 5.175814 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
5 Host self-diffusion correction shift, A_shift 12 80 500 20 20 240 800 2400 1000 60 1260 85 240 55 NaN
6 Host self-diffusion correction shift, E_shift … 0.2 0.4 0.47 0.55 0.85 0.2 1.3 1 0.08 0.85 0.09 0.42 0.1 0.43 NaN
7 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
8 Additional Information NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN Diffusion values for Fe-X are given for the al… NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
9 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN The paramagnetic D0 and Q are given here, the … NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
10 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN D_BCC(T) = D0_para * exp [-Q_para(1+αs^2) / … NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
11 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN Where α=0.156 and s is the temperature depende… NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

Let’s work with Aluminum, and examine the information available for the host:

host_element = 'Al'
diffusionDB['Host Information'][host_element]
0          FCC
1          933
2       0.4847
3     4.039094
4          NaN
5           12
6          0.2
7          NaN
8          NaN
9          NaN
10         NaN
11         NaN
Name: Al, dtype: object

We’ll need to grab some of this information for later:

a0 = diffusionDB['Host Information'][host_element][3]
Evform = diffusionDB['Host Information'][host_element][2]
A_shift, E_shift = diffusionDB['Host Information'][host_element][5], diffusionDB['Host Information'][host_element][6]

We can investigate the solute data sheet:

solute_elements = host_element + '-X'

And we select one species (Ag) to consider:

soluteZ = 47
0           Ag
1      0.58143
2      0.57299
3      0.45938
4      0.59649
5      0.52671
6     4.224243
7     4.202993
8     1.322896
9     4.226324
10     4.17018
11    0.040325
12    1.141065
13         NaN
14         NaN
15         NaN
16         NaN
Name: 47, dtype: object

Let’s grab data for that particular solute:

df = diffusionDB[solute_elements][soluteZ]
solute = df[0]
barriers = df[1:6].astype('float').to_numpy()
attempt_freq = df[6:11].astype('float').to_numpy()
D0_diff, Q_diff = df[11], db[12]
print(solute, D0_diff, Q_diff)
[0.58143 0.57299 0.45938 0.59649 0.52671]
[4.22424298 4.20299328 1.32289592 4.22632423 4.17017994]
Ag 0.0403254943845161 1.14106512869029

To compute solute diffusivity, we need to know how to transform this data into diffusivity. There are a few steps involved:

  1. Converting hop activation barriers and attempt frequencies into rates: the titular “five frequencies” of the model.
  2. Converting the rates into diffusivity.

The former is done using the Arrhenius relation; for activation barrier \(Q\) and attempt frequency \(\nu\) at temperature \(T\), the rate \(w\) is \[w = \nu \exp\left(-\frac{Q}{k_\text{B} T}\right)\] where \(k_\text{B}\) is Boltzmann’s constant.

The latter is done using the closed-form expression for the five-frequency model. The rates are

Note that the ratio \(p=w_4/w_3\) is the enhancement probability for a vacancy to be found next to a solute; \(p>1\) means that vacancies are attracted to the solute, and \(p<1\) means that vacancies are repelled by solutes. The derivation of the five frequency diffusivity is a bit complex. Note that when \(w_2\) is very small, the diffusivity is proportional to \(p\cdot w_2\), but when \(w_2\) is very larger, the diffusivity is proportional to \(p(w_1 + w_3 F/2)\) where \(F\) is a correlation factor. The expression for the diffusivity is: \[D = a_0^2 c_\text{v} f(w_0, w_1, w_2, w_3, w_4)\] for lattice constant \(a_0\), equilibrium vacancy concentration \(c_\text{v} = \exp(-E^\text{form}_\text{v}/k_\text{B}T)\) and five-frequency function \(f\).

def fivefreq(w0, w1, w2, w3, w4):
    """The solute diffusion correlation factor in the 5-freq. model"""
    b = w4 / w0
    F7 = 7. - b * (1338.1 + b * (924.3 + b * (180.3 + b * 10.))) / \
              (435.3 + b * (596. + b * (253.3 + b * (40.1 + b * 2.))))
    p = w4 / w3
    return p * w2 * (2. * w1 + w3 * F7) / (2. * w2 + 2. * w1 + w3 * F7)
def Arrhenius(Q, nu, T):
    """Takes activation barrier Q in eV, nu in THz, T in K, and returns a rate in THz"""
    return nu*np.exp(-Q/(kBoltzmann*T))
Arrhenius(1.0, 1.0e12, 300)

Now, try comparing the Arrhenius fit for the solute data against the direct five-frequency calculation:

T = 600
D = Arrhenius(Q_diff, D0_diff, T)
cV = Arrhenius(Evform, 1., T)
w = Arrhenius(barriers, 1e12*attempt_freq, T)
(a0*1e-8)**2 * cV * fivefreq(*w) * Arrhenius(E_shift, A_shift, T)

Uncertainty quantification

We can apply an approach similar to that used in Uncertainty quantification of solute transport coefficients: with an empirical estimate of the covariance matrix, we can generate sample activation barriers, and determine the distribution of predictions of diffusivity.

Our empirical correlation matrix for this model is below. It is approximate, with a form similar to that found for solutes in HCP Mg. In this case, it is a \(6\times 6\) matrix, with the first entry for the vacancy formation energy, followed by the 5 rates. There is an anticorrelation between the rates w3 and w4, along with reduced correlation with the vacancy formation energy.

barrier_covariance = 0.003*np.eye(6) + 0.003*np.ones((6,6))
barrier_covariance[4,5] = -0.001
barrier_covariance[5,4] = -0.001
barrier_covariance[0,5] = 0.
barrier_covariance[5,0] = 0.
array([[ 0.006,  0.003,  0.003,  0.003,  0.003,  0.   ],
       [ 0.003,  0.006,  0.003,  0.003,  0.003,  0.003],
       [ 0.003,  0.003,  0.006,  0.003,  0.003,  0.003],
       [ 0.003,  0.003,  0.003,  0.006,  0.003,  0.003],
       [ 0.003,  0.003,  0.003,  0.003,  0.006, -0.001],
       [ 0.   ,  0.003,  0.003,  0.003, -0.001,  0.006]])
(array([8.00831974e-05, 3.00000000e-03, 3.00000000e-03, 3.00000000e-03,
        7.86296696e-03, 1.90569498e-02]),
 array([[-2.73008069e-01, -7.51468311e-01, -1.59955093e-01,
          2.03196193e-01,  3.66220423e-01, -3.99712708e-01],
        [ 3.38527167e-01,  2.80877441e-01, -1.31172585e-02,
          7.69407845e-01, -9.78281429e-02, -4.52522243e-01],
        [ 3.38527167e-01,  8.47034804e-02, -6.65704257e-01,
         -4.69803996e-01, -9.78281429e-02, -4.52522243e-01],
        [ 3.38527167e-01, -1.77713844e-01,  7.18810288e-01,
         -3.50402898e-01, -9.78281429e-02, -4.52522243e-01],
        [-4.76853148e-01,  5.63601233e-01,  1.19966319e-01,
         -1.52397145e-01,  5.20903278e-01, -3.82109529e-01],
        [-5.95210670e-01, -2.77555756e-17,  1.11022302e-16,
         -1.11022302e-16, -7.52217615e-01, -2.82653353e-01]]))

To generate our random samples, we use the multivariate_normal function. Here is how we can use it to construct a distribution of diffusivities (here, stored as the log of the diffusivities) by generating samples. Note: we need to prepend the vacancy formation energy to the barrier list so that the energies that come out are a vector [Evform, w0barrier, w1barrier, w2barrier, w3barrier, w4barrier].

logD = []
T = 600
Nsamples = 2**16
for ene in rng.multivariate_normal(mean=np.insert(barriers, 0, Evform), 
    cV = Arrhenius(ene[0], 1., T)
    w = Arrhenius(ene[1:], 1e12*attempt_freq, T)
    D = (a0*1e-8)**2 * cV * fivefreq(*w)
logD = np.array(logD)
np.mean(logD), np.std(logD)
(-23.936257895471147, 2.7688013872446393)


With this in mind, we want to investigate some questions:

  1. Examine the histograms of log diffusivity at different temperatures; is the distribution normal?
  2. Does the nonlinearity of the model introduce bias? That is, is the average log diffusivity the same as the log diffusivity of the average parameters?
  3. Plot the standard deviation of the log diffusivity vs. inverse temperature over a range of physically relevant temperatures. What do you observe?
  4. Time permitting, automate the analysis over the whole solute list, and identify any outliers.