The movement of dislocations produces plastic strain in a material, and dislocations move in response to stresses; the Peach-Koehler equation dF=(σ_b)×dtdF=(σ––b)×dt gives the force dF per length dt on a dislocation based on the stress σ_σ––. The plastic strain rate ˙γ˙γ is derived from a density of dislocations ρ⊥ρ⊥ with Burgers vector bb and velocity v⊥v⊥ via the Orowan equation as ˙γ=bρ⊥v⊥˙γ=bρ⊥v⊥. Thus, plastic strain response of a material to stress is “merely” a matter of determining how dislocations move in a material. At the simplest level, dislocations have a minimum stress (the “Peierls stress”) required to initiate movement. Beyond that, it can be difficult to quantitatively measure the relationship between stress (or force) and dislocation velocity in a material.
For materials with very low Peierls stresses (such as most face-centered cubic metals), the dislocation mobility is primarily dominated by phonon drag. However, for body-centered cubic metals or other materials with high Peierls stresses, other defects are required for dislocations to move: pairs of kinks are nucleated, and move along the dislocation. Other processes, like cross-slip of screw dislocations, also require the formation and movement of kinks. Furthermore, climb motion of edge dislocations involve the elimination of vacancies at jogs. Thus, for many situations, dislocation motion requires other “defects.”
For this topic, you’ll want to review a few computational results on dislocation mobility and kinks in body-centered cubic materials, along with a paper on solid solution effects to have a sense of what is now feasible for computational studies of kinks.
Thermally-activated slip (the primary deformation mode for T≲Tmelt) in BCC metals occurs via the nucleation of kink pairs, followed by the motion of the kinks along a2⟨111⟩ screw dislocations. This physical model has been the basis for discrete dislocation dynamics computation of BCC metals through dislocation mobility, as well as our understanding of solute interactions with dislocations in BCC metals, such as solid-solution softening. An interesting new class of BCC alloy are multi-principal element alloys; TiZrNbHfTa is one such example. Your team has decided to try to build a numerical model of yield strength as a function of temperature and strain rate for this material.
These may help you think about the papers and questions raised; you may want to look beyond these, too.
Discussion: Nov. 6-8, 2018