Course Websites

ME 485 - MEMS Devices & Systems

Last offered Fall 2017

Official Description

Course Information: Same as ECE 485. See ECE 485.

Detailed Course Description

Introduction to principles, fabrication techniques, and applications of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). In-depth analysis of sensors, actuator principles, and integrated microfabrication techniques for MEMS. Comprehensive investigation of state-of-the-art MEMS devices and systems. Same as IE 485 and ECE 485. Prerequisite: Senior standing in the College of Engineering. 3 undergraduate hours.


1. Introduction and motivation
2. Electrostatic sensing and actuation principles
3. Thermal sensing and actuation principles
4. Piezoresistive sensing principles
5. Piezoelectric sensing and actuation principles
6. Magnetic sensing and actuation principles
7. Bulk and surface micromachining techniques
8. Microfabrication of semiconductor and in-organic materials
9. Case studies

ME: MechSE or technical elective.

EM: Possible secondary field, with approval.

Schedule and Instructors

MEMS Devices & SystemsC36990LEC30930 - 1050 T R  2013 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg Gang Logan Liu