Course Websites
ECE 581 - Advanced Analog IC Design
Last offered Fall 2024
Official Description
Related Faculty
Subject Area
- Integrated Circuits and Systems
Course Director
Grading: Homework, 15%; Midterm, 20%; Term Project, 30%; Project Presentation, 5%; Final Exam,30%
Noise in linear analog circuits
Linear feedback theory and stability
Harmonic distortion in weakly nonlinear circuits
Nyquist-rate data converters
- Flash A/D
- Integrating A/D
- Algorithmic A/D
- Successive-approximation A/D
- Folding-and-interpolating A/D
- Subranging A/D
Pipeline A/D
- Interleaved A/D arrays
Oversampled data converters
- First-order sigma-delta modulator
- Digital decimation filter
- Higher-order modulator
- Multi-bit sigma-delta A/D
- Continuous-time sigma-delta A/D
Bandpass sigma-delta A/D
Precision techniques
Detailed Description and Outline
Noise in linear analog circuits
Linear feedback theory and stability
Harmonic distortion in weakly nonlinear circuits
Nyquist-rate data converters
- Flash A/D
- Integrating A/D
- Algorithmic A/D
- Successive-approximation A/D
- Folding-and-interpolating A/D
- Subranging A/D
Pipeline A/D
- Interleaved A/D arrays
Oversampled data converters
- First-order sigma-delta modulator
- Digital decimation filter
- Higher-order modulator
- Multi-bit sigma-delta A/D
- Continuous-time sigma-delta A/D
Bandpass sigma-delta A/D
Precision techniques
Grading: Homework, 15%; Midterm, 20%; Term Project, 30%; Project Presentation, 5%; Final Exam,30%
Lab Software
Matlab and Spectre RF simulators are required for the homework and project.
Y. Chiu, Analysis and Design of Pipeline Analog-to-digital Converters, Springer, 2007.
Gray, et al., Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits, 4th Ed., Wiley, 2001.
The text will be supplemented with notes, slides, and research papers from the instructor.
Schedule and Instructors
Title | Section | CRN | Type | Hours | Times | Days | Location | Instructor |
Advanced Analog IC Design | B | 54423 | LEC | 4 | 0830 - 0950 | M W | 2013 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg | Pavan Kumar Hanumolu |