Course Websites
ECE 559 - Topics in Communications
Last offered Fall 2013
Official Description
Lectures and discussion related to advanced topics and new areas of interest in the theory of communication systems: information theory, coding theory, and communication network theory. Course Information: May be repeated in the same term, if topics vary, to a maximum of 12 graduate hours; may be repeated in separate terms, if topics vary, to a maximum of 16 graduate hours. Credit toward a degree from multiple offerings of this course is not given if those offerings have significant overlap, as determined by the ECE department. Prerequisite: As specified each term. (It is expected that each offering will have a 500-level course as a prerequisite or co-requisite.)
Subject Area
- Communications
Course Director
Lectures and discussion related to advanced topics and new areas of interest in the theory of communication systems, including information theory, coding theory, and communication network theory.
May be repeated in the same term as topics vary, to a maximum of 12 graduate hours; may be repeated in separate terms as topics vary, to a maximum of 16 graduate hours. Two or more sections of this course may be offered in a term with different outlines. Students registering in more than one section should receive credit separately for each section. Students will not receive additional credit toward a degree from multiple offerings of this course if those offerings have significant overlap, as determined by the Electrical and Computer Engineering department.
Detailed Description and Outline
May be repeated in the same term as topics vary, to a maximum of 12 graduate hours; may be repeated in separate terms as topics vary, to a maximum of 16 graduate hours. Two or more sections of this course may be offered in a term with different outlines. Students registering in more than one section should receive credit separately for each section. Students will not receive additional credit toward a degree from multiple offerings of this course if those offerings have significant overlap, as determined by the Electrical and Computer Engineering department.
Will vary from semester to semester and section to section.
Title | Section | CRN | Type | Hours | Times | Days | Location | Instructor |
Information Theory II | RB | 29995 | LCD | 4 | 0800 - 0920 | T R | 170 Everitt Laboratory | Richard E Blahut |