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ECE 541 - Computer Systems Analysis

Last offered Fall 2018

Official Description

Development of analytical models of computer systems and application of such models to performance evaluation: scheduling policies, paging algorithms, multiprogrammed resource management, and queuing theory. Course Information: Same as CS 541. Prerequisite: One of ECE 313, MATH 461, MATH 463.

Subject Area

  • Reliable and Secure Systems

Course Director


Development of analytical models of computer systems and application of such models to performance evaluation; topics include scheduling policies, paging algorithms, multiprogrammed resource management, and queuing theory.


Same as CS 541 and CSE 524.


  • Review of basic probability and statistics
  • The theory of discrete and continuous time Markov chains; applications to memory bandwidth analysis and paging algorithm evaluation
  • Probabilistic and deterministic policies for processor scheduling in batch and time-shared systems
  • Multiprogrammed memory management: optimal and heuristic allocation and replacement algorithmsthe diffusion approximation in queueing theory
  • Queueing theory: exact and approximate techniques for the analysis of single queues and networks of queues; product-form solutions and computational algorithms; the diffusion approximation in queueing theory
  • Simulation theory and methodology; simulation languages and the construction of simulators; design of a simulation experiment; analysis of the simulation output: deriviation of point and interval extimates; variance reduction techniques; generation of uniform and non-uniform pseudo-random numbers

Detailed Description and Outline


  • Review of basic probability and statistics
  • The theory of discrete and continuous time Markov chains; applications to memory bandwidth analysis and paging algorithm evaluation
  • Probabilistic and deterministic policies for processor scheduling in batch and time-shared systems
  • Multiprogrammed memory management: optimal and heuristic allocation and replacement algorithmsthe diffusion approximation in queueing theory
  • Queueing theory: exact and approximate techniques for the analysis of single queues and networks of queues; product-form solutions and computational algorithms; the diffusion approximation in queueing theory
  • Simulation theory and methodology; simulation languages and the construction of simulators; design of a simulation experiment; analysis of the simulation output: deriviation of point and interval extimates; variance reduction techniques; generation of uniform and non-uniform pseudo-random numbers

Same as CS 541 and CSE 524.


H. Kobayashi, Modeling and Analysis: An Introduction to System Performance Evaluation Methodology, Addison-Wesley, 1978.

Computer Systems AnalysisB35928LCD40930 - 1045 T R  2013 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg Mohammad Noureddine