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ECE 531 - Theory of Guided Waves

Last offered Fall 2021

Official Description

Propagation of electromagnetic waves in general cylindrical waveguides; stationary principles; non-uniform inhomogeneously filled waveguides; mode and power orthogonality; losses in waveguides; analytical and numerical techniques; microwave integrated circuits waveguides; optical waveguides. Course Information: Prerequisite: ECE 520. Recommended: MATH 556.

Related Faculty

Subject Area

  • Electromagnetics, Optics and Remote Sensing


Propagation of electromagnetic waves in general cylindrical waveguides; stationary principles; non-uniform inhomogeneously filled waveguides; mode and power orthogonality; losses in waveguides; analytical and numerical techniques; microwave integrated circuits waveguides; and optical waveguides.


  • Review of electromagnetic theory
  • General cylindrical waveguides, mode orthogonality, power flow
  • Numerical technique for analyzing general shape waveguides
  • Vector wave function and dyadic Green's function of a waveguide
  • Inhomogeneously filled waveguide and mode orthogonality
  • Probe excitation, input impedance, and aperture coupling in a waveguide
  • Waveguide discontinuities and junctions
  • Dielectric slab waveguides, optical fibers, and discontinuities in dielectric waveguides
  • Weakly guided optical waveguide, WKB analysis
  • Effective index method, beam propagation method, and ray tracing method for analyzing optical waveguides
  • Microwave integrated circuits waveguides and its quasistatic and full-wave analysis
  • Optical solitions, KdV equation, and their relation to inverse scattering

Detailed Description and Outline


  • Review of electromagnetic theory
  • General cylindrical waveguides, mode orthogonality, power flow
  • Numerical technique for analyzing general shape waveguides
  • Vector wave function and dyadic Green's function of a waveguide
  • Inhomogeneously filled waveguide and mode orthogonality
  • Probe excitation, input impedance, and aperture coupling in a waveguide
  • Waveguide discontinuities and junctions
  • Dielectric slab waveguides, optical fibers, and discontinuities in dielectric waveguides
  • Weakly guided optical waveguide, WKB analysis
  • Effective index method, beam propagation method, and ray tracing method for analyzing optical waveguides
  • Microwave integrated circuits waveguides and its quasistatic and full-wave analysis
  • Optical solitions, KdV equation, and their relation to inverse scattering


R.E. Collin, Field Theory of Guided Waves, IEEE Press, 1992.
T.Okoshi, Optical Fibers, New York: Academic Press, 1992.

Schedule and Instructors

Theory of Guided WavesC60274LEC40930 - 1050 T R  3081 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg  Victoria Shao
Theory of Guided WavesONL75743OLC4 -     Victoria Shao