Survey Paper and Presentation

Read at least 10 papers on a topic (or related topics) in the area of distributed algorithms, and write a survey report. These papers should be in addition to any papers assigned for reading for the class. The survey paper should go beyond simply summarizing the papers. The survey paper should try to identify the relationship between the different papers you have read (e.g., commonalities and differences in the various results, or problem formulations). In the survey, list at least 3 open problems related to the surveyed papers.

The chosen papers should be primarily theoretical in nature.

The survey paper should be between 6 and 8 pages long, not counting the reference list. The report should be typed and single-spaced in 12 point font. Do not reproduce proofs or algorithm pseudo-codes in your report -- you may instead cite the papers for these.

Schedule: ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC) and International Symposium on DIStributed Computing (DISC) are among the relevant conferences for this course. The course page for Prof. Jennifer Welch's course provides some suggestions for potential project topics, which may be useful to you. You may also find pointers to relevant topics on the web pages for courses on Distributed Computing and Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks by Prof. Roger Wattenhofer.

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