Course Websites
ECE 465 - Optical Communications Systems
Last offered Spring 2023
Official Description
Related Faculty
Subject Area
- Microelectronics and Photonics
Course Director
Fundamentals of lightwave systems: characterization of lightwave channels, optical transmitters, receivers and amplifiers; quantum and thermal noise processes; design of optical receivers; multimode and single-mode link analysis.
Two 90-minute Lectures per week.
Detailed Description and Outline
Introduction to lightwave systems (3 hrs) |
CT Linear system theory(3 hrs) |
Electromagnetics, optics(3 hrs) |
Optical fiber, ray models(3 hrs) |
Optical waveguides, non-idealities(3 hrs) |
Random signals(3 hrs) |
LTI channel, modal delay(3 hrs) |
Chromatic dispersion, total dispersion(3 hrs) |
PMD(3 hrs) |
Nonlinear fiber channel models(3 hrs) |
Noise(3 hrs) |
Amplifiers and transmitters(3 hrs) |
Optical sensors and channel models(3 hrs) |
Intensity Signaling(3 hrs) |
Receivers(3 hrs) |
Lightwave Communications Systems, by G. Papen and R. Blahut.
ABET Category
Engineering Topics: 100%
Course Goals
To reinforce fundamentals of lightwave communication systems. Emphasizes theory with elements of design and applications.
Instructional Objectives
A student completing this course should, at a minimum, be able to:
1. Understand and derive Maxwell’s equations, the wave equation, boundaries and polarization.(1,6,7)
2. Understand light-matter interactions, attenuation, and index of refraction (1,6,7)
3. Understand waveguiding principles, types of waveguides, and the concept of a mode in fiber(1,6,7)
4. Understand step-index fibers, cutoff, and calculate the mode of index and group velocity(1,6,7)
5. Understand graded-index fibers, dispersion, birefringence, PM Fiber, DSF, DFF, and DCF(1,6,7)
6. Understand random processes and their relationship to LTI systems and channels and calculate power spectral density for linear optical fiber with chromatic dispersion (1,6,7)
7. Understand effects (linear) of PMD, (1,6,7)
8. Understand nonlinear fiber channel models and effects of the nonlinear index of refraction, numerically integrate a light field in fiber(1,6,7)
9. Understand effects of noise in fiber, transmitters, and amplifyers (1,6,7)
10. Derive an operational channel model for end-to-end optical communication system modeling(1,2)
Schedule and Instructors
Title | Section | CRN | Type | Hours | Times | Days | Location | Instructor |
Optical Communications Systems | A | 74746 | LEC | 3 | 0930 - 1050 | T R | 3015 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg | Peter D Dragic |