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Time | Instructor | Office Hours | Meet online |
12:30-1:50pm, Tue Thur | Yurii Vlasov (yvlasov@illinois.edu) | Tuesday 10:00 AM or by appointment |
Textbook: S.L.Chuang, Physics of Photonic Devices, 2nd Edition, Wiley, New York, 2009.
Supplementary Text (not required) B.E.A.Saleh and M.C.Teich, Fundamentals of Photonics, 2nd ed., Wiley, New York, 2007.
Tuesday (12:30 - 13:50) ECEB 3015 |
Thursday (12:30 - 13:50) ECEB 3015 |
8/25 L1.Introduction, Maxwell's equations. Boundary conditions (§2.1); | 8/27 L2.Time-harmonic fields and duality principle, Poynting's theorem (§5.1, §5.2);
9/01 L3. Plane wave solutions (§5.3). Propagation in isotropic media (§5.4) | 9/03 L4. Wave propagation in lossy media (§5.5) HW1 due
9/08 L5 Plane wave reflection from a surface. Brewster angle, critical angle (§5.6) | 9/10 L6. Matrix optics(§5.7)
HW2 due
9/15 L7. Propagation-matrix approach (§5.8) | 9/17 L8. Multilayered and periodic media (§5.8,§5.9) HW3 due |
9/22 L9. Light propagation in uniaxial media (§6.1) |
9/24 L10. Ordinary and extraordinary waves (§6.1) HW4 due |
9/29 Midterm Exam I |
10/01 L11. Polaroid and quarter-wave plate (§6.1).
10/06 L12. Symmetric dielectric waveguides TE modes (§7.1) |
10/08 L13. Propagation constant and effective index, Optical confinement factor (§7.1)
HW5 due
10/13 L14. TM modes, Cutoff conditions, dispersion relation (§7.1) | 10/15 L15. Asymmetric dielectric waveguides (§7.2), Ray optics approach (§7.3)
HW6 due
10/20 L16. Surface plasmon waveguides (§7.7) | 10/22 L17 Waveguide couplers (§8.1)
HW7 due
10/27 L18. Coupled optical waveguides (§8.2) | 10/29 L19. Applications of optical waveguide couplers (§8.3) HW8 due |
11/04 Midterm Exam 2
11/05 L20. Optical ring resonators and add-drop filters (§8.4)
11/10 L21. Optical fibers, numerical aperture (Class notes) | 11/12 L22. Attenuation in optical fibers (Class notes) HW9 due |
11/17 L23. Signal distortion in optical waveguides, group delay, dispersions (Class notes) | 11/19 L24. Electro-optical effects and Amplitude modulators (§13.1) HW10 due |
11/24 Thanksgiving Break |
11/26 Thanksgiving Break |
12/01 L25. Transverse amplitude modulator (§13.1) | 12/03 L26. Phase modulators (§13.2)
12/08 L27. Electro-optical effects in waveguide devices (§13.3) HW11 due | 12/10 Reading day (no class) |
FINAL EXAM WEEK Monday , December 14, 8:00AM - 11:30AM CST |
Unless specified otherwise, homework will be assigned weekly on Thursdays on-line on this web page and collected a week later next Thursday in class. No late homework will be accepted (except when special permission is granted by your instructor before the due date). |
Two midsemester exams (in class) and the final exam are scheduled as follows
Exam I | Tuesday, September 22, 2023 |
Exam II | Tuesday, November 03, 2023 |
Final Exam | December 14, 2023, 8:00AM-11:30AM CST |
Homework and Class Participation | 25% of total |
Midterm Exam I | 25% of total |
Midterm Exam II | 25% of total |
Final Exam | 25% of total |