CS440/ECE448 Spring 2025, MP 5: A* Search

I. Overview

In this assignment you will be implementing the A* search algorithm for solving 2 different search problems - EightPuzzle and WordLadder. Your single implementation of the algorithm will work for both problems, by properly instantiating an AbstractState class for each of them. You will see both the power of A* as an algorithm that applies to arbitrary discrete state spaces, and the power of heuristics to speed up search.

II. Getting Started

To get started on this assignment, download the template code. The template contains the following files and directories:

Please ONLY submit search.py and state.py.

For each of the remaining parts of the assignment you will find TODOs in search.py and state.py where you need to write your own code. For example, for part III you will find TODOs marked # TODO(III). We’ve provided many comments and instructions in the code under those TODOs.

III. Implementing Best First Search (and WordLadder)

WordLadder: find a sequence of English words from some starting word (i.e., “head”) to some goal word (i.e., “tail”), where consecutive words differ by only one letter

There are 2 “TODO(III)” in search.py.

Your first task is to implement a generic best first search algorithm in the method best_first_search(starting_state) in search.py. Your implementation should:

Notice that the input to best_first_search is just a starting state. You may be wondering:

Now you should look at state.py, there are 3 “TODO(III)” in state.py. These questions should be answered by the comments in the code under those TODOs. You should first read through our AbstractState class, then look at an instantiation of this class called WordLadderState.

In order to test your search code we’ve provided almost all of WordLadderState. Once you’ve filled in the missing code, and implemented the search code, you should be able to test your algorithm. Make sure your algorithm works on all the provided tests before moving on to the next parts. If it works you will not have to touch it again!

Run best_first_search on all WordLadder problems:

python3 main.py --problem_type=WordLadder 

You can also run the word ladder problems where the cost of changing a vowel is larger (10) than the cost of changing a consonant (1).

python3 main.py --problem_type=WordLadder --add_cost_to_vowels

This gives some different results, in particular take a look at the task of going from “small” to “thing”.

If you wish to test your code without heuristics (i.e., run dijkstra) you can pass in the argument “do_not_use_heuristic”, e.g.,

python3 main.py --problem_type=WordLadder --do_not_use_heuristic

IV. EightPuzzle

EightPuzzle: find a sequence of tile moves that put each number in its final position (right) from some example starting position (left). You can only move a tile that is adjacent to the empty square into the empty square.

Now move on to EightPuzzleState, we’ve provided some but not all of the code you’ll need here. There are 4 “TODO(IV)” in state.py.

Run best_first_search on EightPuzzle problems (all puzzles with puzzle_len=N can be solved in N steps):

python3 main.py --problem_type=EightPuzzle --puzzle_len=5 

You can choose any puzzle length among [5, 10, 27].

Please add neighbors in this move order (a,b,c,d) to be consistent with our implementation. The manhattan heuristic for this example is: 3 (number of moves 1 is away from its goal location) + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 2 (number of moves 8 is away from its goal location) = 18. This means this puzzle takes at least 18 moves to solve.

V Submission Instructions

Submit the main part of this assignment by uploading search.py and state.py to Gradescope.