
Exams this semester will be done at CBTF.

Exams will be closed-book, closed-notes, no calculator. Each exam will have a title page with formulas on it, but you will not be able to bring your own formula sheet to the exam.

Exam questions will be multiple-choice, like the in-class quizzes. If you miss a question the first time, you will be permitted to try another choice, for a reduced point total.

Conflict exams are available if you are traveling or otherwise unavailable during the three days that we offer an exam. If you know that you have such a conflict, please e-mail the instructor no later than 7 days prior to the exam date. Conflict exams will take place at CTBF.

Exam 1

Exam 1 will be held at CBTF during the window M-W, March 3-5. It will be composed of eight multiple-choice questions. Each question will be similar to one of the daily quizzes. You will be able to try all of the available answers if you wish, but you will receive fewer points for a correct answer on the N’th attempt than for a correct answer on the (N-1)’st attempt.

Exam 2

Exam 2 will be held at CBTF during the window M-W, April 21-23. It will be composed of eight multiple-choice questions. Each question will be similar to one of the daily quizzes. You will be able to try all of the available answers if you wish, but you will receive fewer points for a correct answer on the N’th attempt than for a correct answer on the (N-1)’st attempt.

Final Exam

Exam 3 will be held on May 13, 2025, 8:00-11:00am. We will be split into (at least) two sections, one in CIF 3039, one in DCL 1320. You will need to bring your own device on which to do the exam; if you need one, loaner laptops are available from Engineering IT.

Practice exams are now available: